Friday, December 30, 2011


I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year,
Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”

And He replied,
Go out into the darkness and put thine hand into the hand of God;
that shall be to thee better than light and safer than a known way.”

Minnie Louise Haskins

(Minnie Louise Haskins wrote a poem in 1908 called 'The Gate of the Year', from its first line: 'I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year'.   King George VI recited some of the poem when he gave his Christmas Message on the radio in 1939.)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Love-Letter...

I never knew the ‘meaning’ of LOVE until
I fell head-first in LOVE with YOU…
there is --

A ‘serious’ LOVE… with this LOVE there is a ‘knowing’ that you’ve  been given a precious gift, GOD’s gift of a very unique soul…
one soul given in trust, one to the other,
to LOVE, to hold, to care for… Beyond and more.

A ‘teasing’ LOVE… with this LOVE you laugh with each other in that special way… knowing that each of you can do anything to the other
because LOVE is at the essence of it all !

A ‘respectful’ LOVE… with this LOVE you are always caring for the other in a tender, care-full way… showing, in little ways, just how important this LOVE is !

A LOVE that is ‘FOREVER’ … with this LOVE, it is one that lives beyond this morning, this evening, this year… far into our next life together as
each other’s Best-Friend, Partner and Lover !

                                        MERRY  CHRISTMAS Darling !!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Life Line...

Though adrift we may be midst the fortunes of life, salvation is ever at hand.  Hope’s life line lies deep within each one of us.  We have but to visualize it, to grasp hold of it, thence to cast it into the light of our God-given goodness.

It is this alone—our divine inborn goodness—that sustains and uplifts us.  Our very well-being, morally and spiritually, demands that we honour this gift, in our every thought and in our every deed.  Moreover, we invite the goodness in others to reveal itself through our own conduct.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“Hope’s life line lies deep within each one of us…in our every thought and in our every deed…invite the goodness in other to reveal itself…”

The other day, as we walked together, I watched a friend give a “life line” to a dear, humble homeless soul.  As their eyes met, the goodness in each other was revealed as they said ‘hello’.  She noticed that he was holding a plastic bag not yet full of empty bottles…no gloves—his hands visibly cold, she offered her warmed mittens.  ‘This feels better’, he said, as he pulled them on…     We continued our walk in awesome silence…   grateful that heaven is here and God is always near.  blw
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Sunday, December 11, 2011

i 99

Washington and Wall Street, engines of greed
Stealing the future of those in need
We are the millions you choose to ignore
Stand aside for the people, we’ll show you the door.

i 99 is our gathering cry
Pay heed all ye wastrels
We’re here, do or die.

Our money is squandered on permanent wars
Our children go hungry, our home the outdoors
Workingman’s jobs are all that we need
Washington and Wall Street, engines of greed.

i 99 is our gathering cry
Pay heed all ye wastrels
We’re here, do or die.

Included we shall be, our fair share to claim
For all that is good you’ve shown but disdain
The moral high ground we’re here to restore
You’ve had your run; waste no more.

i 99 is our gathering cry
Pay heed all ye wastrels
We’re here, do or die.

by  Garry D. Kilbourn
December 9, 2011

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Change Knows No Bounds...

The circumstances that determine our state in life are not immutable.  With each breath we draw and with every thought that assails the mind, we have the opportunity to change.

Change begins, firstly, with a willingness to do so, followed by a firm resolve to see it through.  In the full knowledge that change is an intensely personal matter, we are obliged to look nowhere but within.

In a state of repose we learn to quiet the mind, ever cognizant of God’s love while silently affirming “I am enough.”  We thus become physically and emotionally centered, at once sensing a warm inner peace.

In such a state, visualize as two separate beings mortal body and immortal soul.  Allow purity of mind to transport soul’s divinely spiritual essence into the realm of intuitive sixth sense, whereupon spirit is suffused with the light of God’s wondrous love.

Save that which we limit ourselves, change knows no bounds.  Neither does it come easily.  Learning to cherish a sense of one’s own goodness is essential to our well-being.  In time, our every thought, our every deed, are those of love for our fellow-man: We are ever at one with God.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“Change knows no bounds”  My need for forgiveness changed to Love

Yesterday, while at the Library, I noticed a book by Marianne Williamson, A Course in Weight Loss,’ 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever.  Hooked, I sat down and started reading.  I usually ‘skip’ lessons in books but this time I thought, you never know.  Marianne says, “This is a meaningful opportunity to see your light, by being courageous enough to look at your darkness.”  The first lesson asks… look at these words and write down in detail “what is true for you.”   I silently said the words and mentally wrote down my feelings…slowly and thoughtfully.  I was right into it!  I must have turned a personal-growth-corner.   “Change knows no bounds”…I didn’t have expectations with this lesson, but this morning I found myself silently talking to my Mom about how sorry I was for ___ and if only ____ !!   In the past I would ask for her forgiveness—this time I said, I LOVE YOU MOM !  No longer in need of forgiveness, I’m now free to Love.  blw

Mom (1917—2001)   

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Control Our Thoughts...

We are all plagued by unwelcome, ofttimes harmful, thoughts, a condition we tend to take for granted.

Presumably, in the belief that “this is the way it is; it is just human nature,” all too few take the time to consider, and to question this phenomenon; one both harmful and wrong.

Thought is but a phantom of the mind, having its origin in the brain.  It is common knowledge that the brain, in turn, is a highly malleable human organism:  It has the potential to generate those thoughts we ourselves will.  Herein lies the key.

We can, and we must, control our thoughts if we are to know and enjoy any measure of our God-given humanity.

Possessed of the inborn power to control our thoughts, we must be ever vigilant, ready to dismiss from the mind unwelcome and harmful thoughts.  Strange as it may seem, this is brought about by our simply introducing into the mind an uplifting thought:  “Thank you, God,” for example.  Already we feel better.

Garry D. Kilbourn

belief  that “this is the way it is…”
Amazing how a  belief can control your life.  Something someone said triggered  memories of my mom.  I didn’t know I had a subconscious belief that controlled how I dealt with my insecurities.  Looking back I realize mom was unwell our whole life together.  From childhood I saw how mom would become ill when faced with making decisions.  Illness was her safety net .  I didn’t know that her behaviour influenced my way of coping with life. 

New beginnings – July 2011 – no more running away from my feelings.  With this gift of awareness, whenever I start to feel uneasy, I know it is my responsibility to look within myself for the answer.  Life is for living our highest potential.  “Thank you, God.”  blw

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hymn: REST

I walk with Love along the way, And O, it is a holy day;
No more I suffer cruel fear, I feel God’s presence with me here;
The joy that none can take away Is mine; I walk with Love today.

Who walks with Love along the way, Shall talk with Love and Love obey;
God’s healing truth is free to all, Our Father answers every call;
‘Tis He dispels the clouds of gray, That all may walk with Love today.

Come, walk with Love along the way, Let child-like trust be yours today;
Uplift your thought, with courage go,  Give of your heart’s rich overflow;
And peace shall crown your joy-filled day.  Come, walk with Love along the way.

John Stainer
Minny M.H. Ayers
Christian Science Hymnal

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Acknowledging Our Own Divine Goodness

It is no secret that we have within us untold power to do Good.  It is power inborn, arising from the fact that God lives in us and we in Him.  How we go about accessing this divinely spiritual power is less well known.

We begin by going within to achieve purity of thought, whereby we allow the mind to reach a state of spiritual transcendence:  This by way of humble prayer, mindful meditation or earnest contemplation, all the while being in relationship with God.
Thus do we awaken God within, and thus do we enliven our potential for Goodness.  Thoughts alone, however—no matter how endearing—are in vain without our acting on them.

Upon giving freely of ourself to others, ever mindful of God’s love, we come to know this latent God-given power, while at once acknowledging our own divine Goodness.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“…acknowledging our own divine Goodness.”
Andie was always cheerful with lots to say if you if you took a few minutes to get to know her.  She was a familiar face outside of the Bank of Montreal on 4th Street S.W.  Every Wednesday you could count on seeing Andie politely smiling and waiting to see if anyone new would stop to chat and buy a copy of “Street Talk.”  We counted ourselves to be among her regular client-friends.  Andie was a bright light for many on Fourth.  She gave freely of herself  as she relied on the Goodness of friends and strangers.  We’ve not seen Andie for some time and we wonder where she is now.  blw

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spiritual Transcendence...

There are two equally important, interdependent factors at play in our becoming one with God.  Firstly, we intuitively know that God lives in us and we in Him.  Secondly, instinct alone tells us that were we to compromise this relationship we would be renouncing life itself.

In achieving this state of blissful tranquility, consciously or unconsciously, we have surrendered our very being to God while at once freeing ourselves of worldly entrapments.

Having undergone a spiritual transcendence, we rejoice in the triumph of knowing who we are.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“…spiritual transcendence…”
It is a gift to hear an experienced student of the Brahma Kumaris give a guided meditation commentary.  Such a commentary helps us leave the outside world of noise behind gently guiding us to our inner self, to connect with our soul.  I’ve enjoyed these commentaries many times but this morning was different.  I was alone for about a half hour before class.  With curious wonder, I attempted my own commentary.  I mindfully guided my ‘self ’ on a journey from the outside world into my inner world of silence and peace.  This experience was wondrous and brought joyful tears.  My soul is awakening.  I look forward to experiencing this spiritual transcendence again and again…!  blw

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Truth cannot be destroyed...

Truth cannot be destroyed” is an age-old axiom that rings true for mankind and for all else in nature.

Truthfulness and Goodness are synonymous.  Goodness, of itself, is inherent in our God-given soul.  Although goodness cannot be taken from us, it can become obscured what with worldly affairs.
For each of us our preeminent responsibility in life is to maintain and declare our goodness.  In doing so we are ever in touch with God—He who is the source of our goodness.  Simple utterances of “Thank you, God” throughout the day, all the while manifesting God’s love for ourself and others, lends credence to His purpose.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“Truth cannot be destroyed…”
A friendship ended.  I couldn’t reconcile this within my soul…I struggled with all sorts of questions and answers to make myself feel better.  Even so, peace of mind wasn’t to be found.  The question that set me free from my mind’s tug-of-war was given to me by a friend at the Brahma Kumaris Centre.  She said, “are your thoughts about this broken friendship a belief  or the truth?  A belief, I answered.  To which she replied, “one’s belief can be changed but the truth is always the truth.”  blw

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Brahma Kumaris | Calgary Centre

Affirmation of our oneness...

That we, like all else, are subject to the immutable laws of nature is but affirmation of our oneness with God:  He who is life eternal.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Monday, October 24, 2011

Our Own Disquiet to Self-recovery...

IN COMING TO TERMS WITH OUR OWN DISQUIET…it is well to share our thoughts with someone who we intuitively know will listen and understand. 

Ofttimes this alone will show us the way to self-recovery.  To be sure, the path is not an easy one, requiring commitment, awareness and, not least, a refusal to compromise on that which we instinctively know to be right for us.  It is an irrefutable truth that nothing in life is more important, neither more rewarding, than coming to “Know Thyself.”

Garry D. Kilbourn

This morning’s meditation was rich with metaphor!  Six a.m. at the Brahma Kumaris Centre I found myself contemplating a single, long-stem mauve rose.  It was elegant, full and beautiful.  In this vase designed for a single flower I noticed a ‘gap’ between the water level and the bottom of the rose’s stem. This image started me thinking about this gap – the water was an inch from the stem but the stem couldn’t reach the water so would die.  From this thought I was led to another… God meets us exactly where we are…no gaps!  I also noticed the leaves on the rose stem.  If the rose could let go of its leaves the stem would drop an inch into the life-saving water.  For me the leaves represented barriers.  I began to think of the barriers I’ve set up that stop me from ‘fully’ accepting God’s unconditional love.  I need to let them go :o)  blw


Monday, October 10, 2011

"In The Fullness of God's Love... We are forever changed"

 It is now widely acknowledged that the human brain is a dynamically malleable organism offering limitless possibilities for intellectual development and growth.

Such scientific findings have long been within the purview of philosophical thinking; a belief coeval with that of mankind’s spiritual development.

In the fullness of God’s love  ethereal thoughts of the mind transform the workings of the brain, and with it our very being.  We are forever changed, defined by God’s abiding love.

Garry D. Kilbourn

In the fullness of God’s love… We are forever changed
Recently, in Calgary, Chet Manchester, Christian Science Lecturer, spoke at a Church Alive Summit meeting.  A friend of mine attended Chet’s spiritually uplifting lecture about the ‘BE-ATTITUDES.’  In the fullness of God’s love, thoughts have forever changed.  The first point shared, ‘Let Go of perceived  hurts.’  I’m on my way to wholeness!  blw

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

We Find Our Home...

In the mistaken belief that we alone are masters of our own destiny, we do ourselves a grave disservice, for help is ever at hand.
Engrossed in the ways of the world we are prone to forget that we have within us a much higher power:  God’s goodness and His love, a divinely spiritual force that, when allowed to play its proper role, is life’s ultimate guide.

By asking God to come into our life and learning to walk in His way, we become grounded, while at once coming to know inner peace.  God’s guiding light carries us to a gladsome place of self-love and a love of others.

In the fullness of God’s divine love and goodness, we find our Home.  

Garry D. Kilbourn

“we find our Home”
Recently I visited with Barbara, an ‘intuitive’ healer.  While telling me about myself, I learned a lot about her.  Born into poverty, the youngest in a very large dysfunctional family, with an abusive alcoholic father, Barbara knew from a very early age that she possessed ‘spiritual-intuitive’ gifts.  With an education in the sciences and many years in the medical field, Barbara put this “safe” career on hold while she pursued her passion, intuitive healing.  In the fullness of God’s divine love and goodness, Barbara has found her Homeblw
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Saturday, October 1, 2011

a change of attitude...

The mind, left to its own devices, tends to create wasteful thought.  Such thought diminishes our ability to function at our God-given best.  It thus becomes clear that we have a moral obligation to dismiss such destructive thought from the mind.

This may require *a change of attitude; one that enables us to always look for the good in others.  This in itself, while spiritually uplifting, serves as well to focus our thoughts on others’ attributes.
In all humility, we learn to listen, while withholding judgment.  Our trust in others is made manifest, only to find that we too are similarly blessed.

We take pleasure in honouring others’ unique qualities, all the while knowing that, just as we are, is enough.

Garry D. Kilbourn

*“a change of attitude…”
Have you ever been so low in self-esteem that you talk yourself out of doing the very thing that would make you feel better?  I have!  Just recently I attended a regular Wednesday Christian Science Service.  It is well attended and always uplifting.  This particular Wednesday I was feeling as low as the sidewalk and could barely meet anyone’s eye.  I was just so close to tears?  A few of us always go for coffee after the Service but this time I just hurried on my way.  The following Wednesday I had “a change of attitude.”  I decided ahead of time to make sure I said ‘hi’ to those around me and to participate in the Service if I could.  The difference between the two Wednesdays was like night-and-day…what a great lesson for me!  Yes, I went for coffee too :O)  blw

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Midst all the worldly dross...

With God’s goodness comes the light of the soul; whence comes life itself.  Sheltered by this divine triumvirate of purity, we are thus ushered at birth into the curiously uncertain ways of the world.
Fate alone determines our home environ and upbringing, whether that of love or otherwise.  Human will and intuition, although present at birth, play but a minor role in our survival and well-being throughout infancy and early childhood.  Similarly, our capacity for reason is of little help early on, as this trait is a concomitant of developing maturity.  Thus, for better or worse, do we become prey in our formative years to all that befalls us.

Midst all the worldly dross that has come to veil our soul and threaten our spirituality, we ofttimes lose our way.  In the doing, we tend to forget God’s role in life.  Only when we reclaim our birthright, namely, God’s goodness and His love, will we as well reclaim our humanity.

Mindful contemplation, whereby thoughts of God’s divine love take us to a higher spiritual plane, enables us to love ourself and others.  Thus blessed, and in giving freely of ourself to others, are we healed and made well.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Thus, for better or worse, do we become prey in our formative years to all that befalls us.”
Knowing at an early age that I was adopted, set the wheels-in-motion for a life different from that of my peers.  My adoptive mom, God bless her, told me the story she was told… that my birth mom was from Scotland and I had a sister.  Adding to the wheels-in-motion, my adoptive parents divorced.  For many, many years I struggled with emotions I didn’t understand and behaviours I wasn’t proud of.  I had lost my way.  Years later… Garry and I found my birth-family of not one special sister but two, three wonderful brothers and their welcoming families!  God’s divine love has taken me to a higher spiritual plane…I am forever grateful!  blw
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Monday, September 19, 2011

"As above, so below..."

There comes to us a simple aphorism from out of the night of time which has the potential to forever change our life in a most wonderful way:  “As above, so below.”

That which is “above” (no less within and everywhere around us) is the mystical rhythm of the universe embodying all the forces of nature and of God.  Notwithstanding human conduct in general we are, each one of us, indisputably at one with God and nature.  Failing to acknowledge this redounds to our own lasting misfortune.

Man’s mortal mind is that which is “below”  in the sense that we long ago came to disown the purity of the divine soul as we hastened our downward spiral into the dissentious world of materialism.  How we may rectify that which we have torn asunder, to reclaim our senses and indeed our very humanity, becomes the question.

Mindful concentration of God’s love for all mankind, over time, will transport our earthly thoughts to a higher astral plane; one that unites our inner spiritual self with the transcendent forces of God and nature:  “As above, so below.”

Garry D. Kilbourn

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