Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thought for Reflection...

What would I “see” if I wasn’t told what to see?
What would I “hear” if I wasn’t told what to hear?
What would I “feel” if I wasn’t told what to feel?

God tells us how to see.
God tells us how to hear.
God tells us how to feel.

See with LOVE!
Hear with LOVE!
Feel with LOVE!

GOD makes it simple…. practice, practice, practice!!!

You will be blessed with the “peace” of God!

by Bonnie Woodard

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Monday, June 8, 2009


to reconcile in one's own mind a belief in God's goodness and love for all mankind with that of the human tragedies that daily befall us, no less with the evil of man's inhumanity to man. Those claiming to make this reconciliation do so on the basis of religious precepts which are but a guise for one's own unfounded dogmatic beliefs. It is a spurious claim at best.

God is good and His love embraces all. His power lies within each of us, to do good unto others and to love our neighbour as ourselves. Tragedy will be with us always; it is clearly a part of life. The mind will not help in understanding tragedy, for there can be no understanding of it. Our only recourse, and one that will ultimately give us peace within, is our deep and unwavering faith in God. Man's inhumanity to man, on the other hand, is fraught with human greed and lust for power. This, to our great distress, we do understand. It is therefore incumbent upon each of us, by glorifying God in our life, through a manifestation of His love, to touch even one person at a time, thus to mitigate this pervasive evil.

God is Love and only Love!