Saturday, March 31, 2012

" favour of Godly thoughts..."

What does it mean “to be saved ;” “to give ourself to God ;” “to surrender to God ?”  These and other such praiseworthy terms are made real, not by whim, but when we succumb—mind, body and soul—to that higher power from within; our divine spirituality.

Each of us experiences this spiritual transformation in his or her own way.  The one factor common to all, however, is this: We must cease the turmoil of the mind in favour of Godly thoughts.  Giving ourself over to God in this manner fills us with the freedom and the joy of Walking in His Way.  Blind pursuit of worldly ways is revealed as aught but an empty promise.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“… in favour of Godly thoughts.”

Thursday evenings I look forward to meeting up with Alice.  Just shy of eighty years and living in a nursing home, Alice struggles with debilitating thoughts.  She is in the process of updating her will, estranged from her siblings and her children.  Alice’s emotions range from fear to anger and all that could have been but is not. 

This is a story with a silver lining.  Alice enjoys a friendship with Brenda, who is also a Christian Science Practitioner.  For days after a visit with Brenda, Alice feels loved and calm.  Brenda prays with Alice and gives her *Godly thoughts to fill her mind.  

* ”Stand porter at the door of thought…control yourself harmoniously…shut out these unhealthy thoughts and fears.”  Pg 392 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy

Saturday, March 17, 2012

"... compassionate humility"

Those who forever question life’s purpose tend to reach a time when the struggle to understand so exhausts the mind that the subconscious—our higher, spiritual, self—takes over.  This divinely self-protective measure at once frees us of crippling egoism and blesses us instead with compassionate humility.  Our soul is laid bare: we are again one with God, alive in the fullness of His love.

Instinctively we know this new-found sense of spiritual empowerment is not in itself enough.  With no thought of resting on our laurels, we discover the joy of giving freely of ourself to others, all the while manifesting God’s goodness and His love.  In the doing we are even further blessed in that we awaken to the fact that we have become part of a community of like-minded souls.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“… compassionate humility”

In my heart of hearts, I know I’ve not always given freely of myself
Unaware of my ego in full flight, I thought I was the ‘perfect’ volunteer, friend, sister. 
In today’s *meditation class these words stirred my soul… “God melts me and turns me into gold”.  I am forever grateful.  blw

*Brahma Kumaris | Calgary Centre
Suite 100, 206 10A Street NW Calgary, AB, T2N 1W6
403-209-2988  |


"Giving up 'things' does not work well for me.  I prefer to give up things like not having the last word, or not raising my voice in an argument, or not complaining about what I have to do etc... There is so much out there that I'll never exhaust it all!  Lent needs to give us a sense of joy in cooperating with God's plan for our lives."


Thank you,


Saturday, March 10, 2012 have done it unto me...

These few words of God, “…inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me,” warm the heart and uplift the soul.  When placed in context they are words fitting all aspects of our life.

We are all God’s children, loved equally by Him.  God is ever-present in our life, and yes, He speaks to us when showing us His way.  Not always do we hear, but when we do we are transformed—not least the humble.

If we are to reclaim our God-given goodness, whereby we learn to love ourself and others, it but stands to reason that we listen to and follow God’s directives.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“…inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me,”…

While enjoying friendship over mugs of tea, this ‘spring’ afternoon in Calgary, my friend shared that later today she’d be visiting a dear friend who is now in a nursing home.  These visits are sometimes worrisome for both.  The friend’s memory, mood and behaviour show signs of a life becoming affected by Alzheimer’s Disease.  The unknown brings fear.  We thought of ways to make their conversation flow with ease when we realized the answer was ever the same…  just be the friend you’ve always been.  blw