"In this sequel, Bonnie and Garry so beautifully reminds us that in the "busy-ness" of our everyday lives, we must take the time to reflect and find peace within. Through whimsical illustration and thoughtful prose, we are taken through a spiritual journey to inspire and nourish our souls. Each passage is a daily treat! - to be savoured slowly like a fine wine! :) Thank you for your truly inspired work!" Laina Wong
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REACHING FOR THE LIGHT—a Spiritual Guide To Inner Peace leading to weight loss ©
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“… inspirational, I like to read it slowly, it requires thought. Illustrations are beautiful.” Sandra Killan
Available for free download here.
A Little Book of PROSE-POETRY Illustrated – Inspired for Children of all ages! ©
“I have enjoyed the whimsy of ‘A Little Book of Prose-Poetry.’ Your illustrations, Bonnie, are full of joy and downright glee, and the prose-poetry is full of comforting messages of love for self and others through the God that is within us all. Thank you, Bonnie and Garry. I will return to your ‘Little Book’ when I need a dram of whimsy, joy and love. “
Dr. Irene McConnell B.A. (Hons.), LL.B, LL.M, S.J.D.
“… elegant in simplicity and powerful in beauty! So much truth and wisdom expressed … beautifully illustrated … inspired by the Holy Spirit.” Mary Keizer
“Read in one sitting, some of it brought tears to my eyes … loved it.” Sandra Killan
Available for free download here.
God Things
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$15.70 Cdn (GST incl) plus shipping costs.
click on blwoodard@shaw.ca to email your order. We'd love to hear from you!
Li'l Miss Red Mittens and the Ice Cream Garden
"for the young
and the young-at-heart"
This is a tale of the supernatural, of a young girl who chose to believe in things unexplainable in nature. It is a tale of Li'l Miss Red Mittens, who honoured her beliefs, thereby enriching her own life and the lives of those she touched.
$20.95 Cdn (GST incl) plus shipping costs.
click on blwoodard@shaw.ca to email your order. We'd love to hear from you!
Li'l Miss Red Mittens blank note cards:
Beautifully illustrated scenes by Leila Bryce.
1) "Li'l Miss in Prayer"
2) "The Neighbour's Garden"
3) "Grandma's Red Mittens"
4) "The Family Church"
Beautifully illustrated scenes by Leila Bryce.
1) "Li'l Miss in Prayer"
2) "The Neighbour's Garden"
3) "Grandma's Red Mittens"
4) "The Family Church"
Available in sets of four as pictured
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click on blwoodard@shaw.ca to email your order. We'd love to hear from you!
click on blwoodard@shaw.ca to email your order. We'd love to hear from you!
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"If, for whatever reason, you fail to do what you sense is right, you may live your life with a recurring sense of loss, never truly fulfilled.
"If, for whatever reason, you fail to do what you sense is right, you may live your life with a recurring sense of loss, never truly fulfilled.
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