Friday, January 28, 2011

PEACE -- I choose a serene way of life

If I want to live in a peaceful world,
then it is up to me to make sure that I am a peaceful person. 
No matter how others behave, I KEEP PEACE IN MY HEART.
I DECLARE peace in the midst of chaos or madness. 
I SURROUND all difficult situations with peace and love. 
I SEND thoughts of peace to all troubled parts of the world.
IF I WANT the world to change for the better,
then I need to change the way I see the world. 
I am now WILLING TO SEE life in a very positive way. 
I know that peace begins with MY OWN THOUGHTS.
As I CHOOSE peaceful thoughts,
I AM CONNECTED with the like-minded, peaceful-thinking people. 
TOGETHER we will help bring PEACE and LOVING KINDNESS to our world.


Excerpt from Meditations to Heal Your Life (pg 159) by Louise L. Hay

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I must be, somehow, LOVEABLE.  In my morning and evening meditations I JUST LET GOD LOVE ME:  no words, no reading, and no thinking...just BE-ing.

Maurice Joly, OMI

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

not to the most virtuous,
but to the most needy;
for they are the persons
who will be most relieved, and
be the most grateful.

Socrates 469? - 399 B.C.
THERE IS NOTHING WORSE THAN self-deception---when the DECEIVER is always at home and always with you---it is quite terrible.

 Socrates 469? - 399 B.C.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Gratitude...The Language of Self-respect

  • WHEN YOU GIVE, you open the door to receive more...
  • Don't ask WHY?  learn to ask what the LESSON is...
  • Instead of complaining about a problem or circumstance, THANK IT for being there...
  • GOD, help me to laugh, cry, love, be aware and be thankful with all my heart for every moment and each experience that I've been given.  Thank you for my LIFE...
  • GOD, thank you for the past.  Help me LET GO with GRATITUDE, so that I can live more fully and joyfully now...
  • Feel good about doing your part in helping YOURSELF...
  • It's difficult to feel bad when we're feeling GRATEFUL...
  • Find the GRATITUDE in your life, and you'll find JOY STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO YOU...
  • Comparison is JUDGMENTAL...instead of deciding if a situation is good or not so, just be THANKFUL for it---the way it is...
  • GOD, help me use the powerful remedy of GRATITUDE as a tool for DAILY TRANSFORMATION in my life...
  • Don't get angry when the time comes in your life to let someone or something GOOPEN your heart to that person, place, or thing, and say, "Thanks for teaching me to love and helping me to grow."  Then LET GO, without resentment in your heart...
  • GOD, help me LET GO  of my expectations and DELIGHT IN WHAT IS...
COULD IT BE that you're who you are and where you are now for a reason?

GRATITUDE Inspirations by Melody Beattie, Author of The Language of Letting Go
