Friday, December 16, 2011

Life Line...

Though adrift we may be midst the fortunes of life, salvation is ever at hand.  Hope’s life line lies deep within each one of us.  We have but to visualize it, to grasp hold of it, thence to cast it into the light of our God-given goodness.

It is this alone—our divine inborn goodness—that sustains and uplifts us.  Our very well-being, morally and spiritually, demands that we honour this gift, in our every thought and in our every deed.  Moreover, we invite the goodness in others to reveal itself through our own conduct.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“Hope’s life line lies deep within each one of us…in our every thought and in our every deed…invite the goodness in other to reveal itself…”

The other day, as we walked together, I watched a friend give a “life line” to a dear, humble homeless soul.  As their eyes met, the goodness in each other was revealed as they said ‘hello’.  She noticed that he was holding a plastic bag not yet full of empty bottles…no gloves—his hands visibly cold, she offered her warmed mittens.  ‘This feels better’, he said, as he pulled them on…     We continued our walk in awesome silence…   grateful that heaven is here and God is always near.  blw
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Bonnie said...

from Winnie's email... "This is quite lovely and uplifting. Thank you."

Bonnie said...

from Meg's email... "Bonnie, what a wonderful story! And reflection!"

Bonnie said...

Marlene's email says, "Just wanted you to know that this Reflection touched me deeply...isn’t it a comfort that heaven is often right here...
Thanks for sharing."