Monday, October 31, 2011

Truth cannot be destroyed...

Truth cannot be destroyed” is an age-old axiom that rings true for mankind and for all else in nature.

Truthfulness and Goodness are synonymous.  Goodness, of itself, is inherent in our God-given soul.  Although goodness cannot be taken from us, it can become obscured what with worldly affairs.
For each of us our preeminent responsibility in life is to maintain and declare our goodness.  In doing so we are ever in touch with God—He who is the source of our goodness.  Simple utterances of “Thank you, God” throughout the day, all the while manifesting God’s love for ourself and others, lends credence to His purpose.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“Truth cannot be destroyed…”
A friendship ended.  I couldn’t reconcile this within my soul…I struggled with all sorts of questions and answers to make myself feel better.  Even so, peace of mind wasn’t to be found.  The question that set me free from my mind’s tug-of-war was given to me by a friend at the Brahma Kumaris Centre.  She said, “are your thoughts about this broken friendship a belief  or the truth?  A belief, I answered.  To which she replied, “one’s belief can be changed but the truth is always the truth.”  blw

Email  Healing Circle registration
Brahma Kumaris | Calgary Centre


Bonnie said...

Kathy's email says, "I always enjoy reading your words. Wow, what a great way to look at any emotionally upsetting situation. It really helps put things in perspective."

Bonnie said...

Kathy B's email says, "Truth is truth, friendships can be mended if it is meant to be & belief can be changed --- you take care & hope everything is fine."

Bonnie said...

Tim's email says, "I have come to think of sin as a willfull disconnect from God. Not God's will, of course, but my will. Living truthfully and in love for self and others, not just makes it easier to 'walk with God' but it is walking with Him. Living in the opposite way, makes it impossible to have a close connection with God."

Bonnie said...

Meg's email says, "Both reflections are GREAT!
I do say, “Thank you, God” OFTEN!! Even over simple things like finding a parking spot. I know who is looking out for me. I’ve always known. As for your reflection, I have spent many unhappy years over “beliefs”. I missed out on a lot of life during those unhappy years."

Bonnie said...

JD's email says, "I just love your weekly reflections. Isn’t that the truth – a belief can be changed but what is true is true and it is just that simple."

Bonnie said...

Mary's email says, "Yes, Garry, Truth stands on its own and cannot be destroyed; also it is important to remember to say "thank you" to God daily for our many blessings, each day being a new gift, a new beginning, another opportunity to express more love, kindness and patience to ourselves and our fellowman."

Bonnie said...

Tim's email says, "I often fall far short of that ideal. While I consider myself to be quite a truthful person, keeping in mind that my truth evolves with increased understanding of myself and the world, I really struggle with love of others sometimes and especially with love of myself. Unfortunately, I was raised in what was often a critical environment or more accurately, a criticizing environment. I know now where that way of being comes from but nonetheless, I still have the tendency to indulge in that way of dealing with those around me. This often applies to total strangers I should add. In respect to myself, I really struggle with self-acceptance and self-love. I also know that I am not alone in this struggle. So many of us humans end up growing up not liking ourselves and I think that that is a shame. I have spent much of my life feeling that almost everything about me needs to be changed before I will be a worthwhile person. I know in my mind that that is not true and never was so, but the training lingers, so to speak. Having said all this, I know that when I do actually put into practice what I said previously, I really do feel like I'm living in accordance with the God of my understanding and walking with Him. When I do that, life is immeasurably better. When I don't, life is discordant and unfullfilling. The message which has been coming to me so often lately, through my faith and from other sources around me, is that God, my Father, my Abba, loves me even in my imperfection and perhaps even more so because of it. I know that unlike what I came to know growing up, love and connection is not withdrawn when I fail to 'measure up'. It is always there. It is I who turns away from the love and the light. It is not the other way around."