Saturday, October 1, 2011

a change of attitude...

The mind, left to its own devices, tends to create wasteful thought.  Such thought diminishes our ability to function at our God-given best.  It thus becomes clear that we have a moral obligation to dismiss such destructive thought from the mind.

This may require *a change of attitude; one that enables us to always look for the good in others.  This in itself, while spiritually uplifting, serves as well to focus our thoughts on others’ attributes.
In all humility, we learn to listen, while withholding judgment.  Our trust in others is made manifest, only to find that we too are similarly blessed.

We take pleasure in honouring others’ unique qualities, all the while knowing that, just as we are, is enough.

Garry D. Kilbourn

*“a change of attitude…”
Have you ever been so low in self-esteem that you talk yourself out of doing the very thing that would make you feel better?  I have!  Just recently I attended a regular Wednesday Christian Science Service.  It is well attended and always uplifting.  This particular Wednesday I was feeling as low as the sidewalk and could barely meet anyone’s eye.  I was just so close to tears?  A few of us always go for coffee after the Service but this time I just hurried on my way.  The following Wednesday I had “a change of attitude.”  I decided ahead of time to make sure I said ‘hi’ to those around me and to participate in the Service if I could.  The difference between the two Wednesdays was like night-and-day…what a great lesson for me!  Yes, I went for coffee too :O)  blw

Email  Healing Circle registration


Bonnie said...

Yung's email says, "Good for you for going to coffee after the Wednesday Service. I do that to myself too when I go to Church... is actually a very comforting place. Changing one's attitude is a very good way to turn things around. Accentuating the positive and acknowledging other's special attributes, seeing the good in other's is God's want for us to make the connection as humans. I am so glad to read the Reflections today."

Bonnie said...

Nam's email says, "But it is so hard to change the attitude.. once you are set on certain principles.. its so hard... !"

Bonnie said...

Mary's email says, "Thank you for sharing your inner thoughts with us. It is so human and humbling!!

Now Bonnie, you NEVER need feel as low as the sidewalk -- why not? -- because you are supposed to rise up and walk above it!! Didn't you know that? Didn't you know that you are made in God's image and likeness and have dominion over EVERYTHING. Don't let little things grow into big things to get you down, you are mighty and can say, "get thee behind me Satan" and wham! bang! be gone. Stamp your 'lil' foot and away it will vanish into its native nothingness, for error, or negativity, only has the power you give it, as it is nothing and we sometimes make something' out of 'nothing'! So, dear Bonnie, rise up and sparkle as no one, or no thing, notice that no thing is 'nothing' can deprive of joy and freedom, so declare your freedom, accept it RIGHT NOW, and you will be free!! Enough of this nonsense that one is inferior, or weak, you are brave because you have the armor of love, God, guiding, directing and protecting you, You have it all--you are enriched with the greatest gift--just open the door to your thinking and accept the fact that you are simply wonderful, great, powerful, beautiful, unique, happy, healthy, and blessed--how can I, who feels as low as the sidewalk, be entitled to all these marvelous blessings?---because you ARE the perfect child of God who loves you and cares for you----in other words, you are very special. Now smile. relax and accept all these wonderful gifts that have been so bounteously bestowed upon you!! Hallelujah!! With loving, healing thoughts."

Bonnie said...

Kathy's email says, "It is so true! We really are hardest on ourselves but we can create our own realities by thinking positively and judgement free - which is so hard but something we all need to practice. Great message.

Bonnie said...

Julie's email says, "Thank you for your posts - they are so enlightening and many times just what I need!"

Bonnie said...

Mary's email says, "This is so true. We can let our minds dwell on destructive thoughts. Then we become confused and lost. Our minds are so clever they can fool ourselves. We need the Holy Spirit with us constantly."

Bonnie said...

JoAnne's email says, "Wow, you and I are somewhat alike……I have done exactly the same thing Bonnie. Again, you hit the mark with your message."

Bonnie said...

Nancy's email says, "Thanks for being so open about your feelings and experiences – we’ve all been there and it helps to know we are not alone."

Bonnie said...

JoAnne's email says, "It is rather shocking how life can change in an instant! Sometimes a person feels so uncertain and hopeless, and then things “just turn out”."