Sunday, December 30, 2012

Spirituality of the Mind

QUIETING THE TURMOIL OF THE MIND that we may come to know peace within is a solitary journey; one of perserverance and faith.  Having others of like mind around us may provide a welcoming sense of fellowship and bolster our determination to resolve the dilemma, but we alone are accountable.

As is ever the case when seeking Truth, the answer lies in becoming still and going within to nourish with our own spirituality the mind become enlightened.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND: Not your Diet ©

“… a welcoming sense of fellowship …”
I enjoy the fellowship of many spiritual seekers.  Whether at the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre, the Catholic Pastoral Centre, Christian Science Church, Grace Presbyterian Church or the book club at The FCJ Centre… together, we are seeking Truth by nourishing our souls.  At the day’s end each one is on a solitary journey to Becoming fulfilled. blw

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Soul Revealed ...

Of a certainty, we are, each one of us, unlike any other. As such, it behooves us to be none other than that one person God means us to be. Though never easy, our foremost challenge in life is to acknowledge who we are and to love ourself.

That which is seen by others—no less so by ourself—is not our true Being. Truth, ever our guidepost, is not of the body but of the soul; each a child of God in His own spiritual image.

In thus honouring our true Being, all the while giving thanks to God, we experience a wondrous harmony of mind, body and soul, to know peace within. A new-found selflessness that reflects the divine light of the soul enables us, in all humility, to love and to give freely of ourself to others. Only thus do we come to know and love ourself.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND: Not your Diet ©

Truth, ever our guidepost…  Last week I was wound up like a watch that was about to spring open… WHY??  Why was I critical of myself and of others… on and on… ugh!!  I thought I could just keep ignoring my feelings even though as time went on I wasn’t being true to my spiritual purpose. I was feeling ever more unworthy. 

*Meditation classes teach: the answers are within me… obstacles to my peacefulness are never ‘out there’.  It was time to ask mySELF, “what is going on within me?  why am I doubting myself?”  The answer became clear… I must set aside time every day to nourish my soul.  blw

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Art of Conversation ...

We experience a magic moment when, in all humility, we give our full attention to what another is saying; not only to hear what is being said, but that which is unsaid such that we come to sense the other’s true inner Being – the immortal soul.  In a mysteriously wondrous way a spiritual bond is forever forged.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Our Spiritual Eye ...

A life governed by the dictates of the world; one fraught with lingering emptiness and acute disquiet, is a life unacquainted with its own spiritual inner Being.
We are, without question, spiritual Beings. An apt definition of Spirit, affirmed in our own time, is that given by Samuel Johnson in his Dictionary of the English Language, published in April 1755, i.e., “Spirit is intellectual power distinct from the body.”

The term “intellectual power” used in this sense has to do with our innate capacity to sense by way of intuitive spiritual perception God’s presence: in essence, an enlightened intellect becoming our “spiritual eye.” Such enlightenment quiets the mind, affords a sense of deep inner peace and, most importantly, allows us to begin life anew secure in our own goodness and self-love.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND: Not your Diet ©

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Finding Our Way ...

We well know that ours is a uniquely personal journey; each in his own way midst the tumult of life. Even so, it is not a journey to be taken alone. We are by nature social Beings, driven to engage in relationships with others. And, not to be overlooked, we are first and foremost, spiritual Beings.
How to balance this trio of interdependent forces – and balance them we must – such that we achieve our own identity, is vital to our well-being, no less our purpose.

This Elysium process, whereby we enter into a state of perfect happiness, begins and ends by our going within and, in all humility, asking God to show us the Way.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND: Not your Diet ©

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Abiding Self-Worth ...

We are as nothing without love: love of ourself and love of others.  Love lies within the soul, the very core of our Being.  Left to lie dormant and unused, our capacity for love ever diminishes such that we become but an empty shadow of who we are meant to be. When taken up and used, love is that which reveals our humanity and gives reason for our Being.
Love – in reality a divine providence – is accessible through the twin character traits of selflessness and truthfulness.  These, in turn, require that, in all humility, we entrust ourself to God.  Thus may we quiet the turmoil of the mind to reveal the light of the soul and our divine spirituality.  And only thus may we know peace within, coupled with a deep and abiding sense of self-worth.

Garry D. Kilbourn
Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND: Not Your Diet© Spiritual Weight Loss by bwfaithministry

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Neither in word nor in deed should we be in haste.  There is no undoing that which is said or done when we speak without thinking or act impulsively: for good or ill, the die is cast.
We do ourself and others a disservice when we fail to take the time to think beforehand of the relevance or import of what we say or do.

Contemplation should ever be our companion.  By going within and coming to know ourself, our understanding and appreciation of others is immeasurably increased.

In conversing with another, our thoughts and our conduct should have less to do with us, and instead be given over to the other.  Words become meaningful, the encounter uplifting: a bond is formed, two lives enriched.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Light of God...

The light of God is within us: we are born with it. We have goodness and love, human traits that never leave us. As well, we are gifted from birth with the capacity to reason, enabling us to distinguish between right and wrong. And, not least, we are given will power, that which molds our character and shapes our conduct – in short, our very life. All of these innate God-given senses are affirmations of God’s Presence and of our humanity.

There is never a time when God is not within us, no matter if we are at our lowest or at our best. Truly, God is our Shepherd. Believing and instinctively knowing this is spiritually uplifting. Thus do we walk in the Way, all the while enveloped in God’s abiding love and goodness.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Friday, October 12, 2012

Know Thyself ...

In life, this above all else is a certainty: We are to live by the tenets of our God-given soul. The tools to do so are an imbued birthright, forever lying within our grasp. The tenets, instinctively known to all, are those of truth, goodness and love. We honour these inborn human traits by first paying homage to that age-old aphorism: “Know thyself.”

The business of coming to know oneself, as all who venture down this path well know, is a time of ongoing self-absorption and personal honesty. Bit by bit we rid ourself of worldly demons, real and imagined, to reveal the purity of the life-giving soul. Here there is no hiding from the truth of our Being; neither is there any turning back from this blissful state of inner harmony.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“Know thyself...”

Today we are attending a Celebration of Life of a very dear friend.  Know thyself is her gift to me.  We enjoyed lots of sharing over six years.  During these hours her past came alive … questioning herself with personal honesty, answers were revealed.  Her son shared… she passed peacefully as if she was falling asleep.  blw

Monday, October 8, 2012


For all too many Happiness is but a daydream nourished by faint hope. Others have overcome such reverie by rediscovering their childlike trust to know that Happiness is no longer illusory, but is in fact wondrously real.
The rediscovery of our childlike trust awakens in us our spiritually inner self and gives light to the very soul: We know beyond faith that God lives in us and we in Him.

Happiness is not a state of mind, something to think about and make real. Rather, it is one of surrendering to God in all humility, that His will may be done. Happiness is made whole, and our purpose revealed, only when shared with others.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A TUG OF WAR : That no one likes being told what to do is not an indictment of our character. The sense of disquiet occasioned by such an admonition stems not from personal shortcoming, but goes directly to the dichotomy of our very Being: the mortal body and the immortal soul.
Custom and belief have long acquainted us with a mode of living conducive to bodily comfort, while at once antithetical to the true source of inner peace and harmony; that of the divinely God-given soul.

For our own well-being and that of others, it is clear that we have a personal responsibility to achieve a balance between worldly pursuits and spiritual enlightenment.

Mastery of thought is paramount to all else. Thus may we see only the good in others, and thus are our thoughts transcended to a higher spiritual plane whereby we instinctively manifest God’s goodness and love.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Today's Reflection ...

Pray be conscious of the fact that our original, or natural, state is that of divine innocence, of purity, of love—in short, of God-given goodness: The essence of life itself; in truth, our very soul.

It is this “inner being,” our immortal self, which at once characterizes our humanity and enables our spiritual relationship with God.

That we are often unaware of, or at times deny, the existence of our true inner self leads to untold sorrow.  That we fail to act and to remedy our sorrow when the solution is ever at hand, is to deny our right to happiness, to peace of mind and to a sense of overall well-being.

Giving thanks to God throughout the day frees us of idle thoughts and takes us to a higher, spiritual, plane.  In time, we come to sense a heretofore unknown inner peace that loosens the bonds of worldly ways.  The new-found love we feel for ourself can now freely be shared with others: We are at one with God.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Monday, September 10, 2012

Duality of Body and Soul...

MORALS and ETHICS are fundamental to human well-being; traits that bespeak honesty, integrity and truthfulness.  They are of our divinely immortal soul; hence our lifelong providential guideposts.

That we are as well born of mortal body and must come to terms with our innate dualism, means quelling the workings of the mind; thus to give vent to our spirituality.

Invoking the soul’s spiritual emanation – a matter of becoming one with God – means quitting mundane thoughts of the mind in favour of those acknowledging God’s presence, and putting our life in His. Aught else will give inner peace and harmony.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND: Not Your Diet©
              Spiritual Weight Loss by bwfaithministry

Saturday, August 18, 2012

HABIT is defined as “an acquired behaviour pattern;” one that plays a prominent role in our life. To be sure habits, for the most part, are innocuous. Those, however, which endanger our well-being demand to be questioned. In blindly submitting to self-imposed rules of behaviour, no less those unconsciously assumed, we impair our ability to judge both right and wrong.

Doing things out of habit, never questioning our motives, tends to absolve our behaviour: Be it right or wrong, we will have failed to subject it to the crucible of honesty and truthfulness.

Honesty and truthfulness, ever our TOUCHSTONE, enable us to know both who we are and our purpose in life; personal traits that instill self-respect and honour our worth.
Garry D. Kilbourn

Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND: Not Your Diet©

HABIT:  Starting from early childhood a lifetime of habits and self-imposed rules have molded my life.  One-by-one subtle and some glaring behaviours are falling away from under a spiritual microscope of honesty and truthfulness.  Being in relationship with God’s unconditional Love I am becoming the person who I was meant to be. blw

Saturday, July 21, 2012

WE BECOME a spiritual conduit...

The human soul we know to be the very essence of our being, for it is life itself.  Even more, the soul is an integral part of the divine electro-magnetic astral force that is at once diffused throughout and regulates the boundless universe.  Spiritually, we are as one with all in nature, seen and unseen.

We sell ourselves short by failing to recognize this divine interrelationship, together with its manifold human and spiritual benefits, each profound in its own right.

We begin our spiritual journey with thoughts of love—love of ourselves, for all mankind and for all else.  Such thoughts take us into a godly realm to reveal the divine purity of the soul.  In this humanly selfless state we become a spiritual conduit of God’s all-encompassing love and of His healing life-force.

No longer can we deny our own innate goodness.  Our new-found spiritual awareness exposes the heedless pursuit of materialism at the expense of nourishing the divine life-giving soul.

Garry D. Kilbourn               

“… WE BECOME a spiritual conduit of God’s all-encompassing love and of His healing life-force.”

KNOWING we have control over our thoughts, our words and our actions gives us abundant spiritual power.  At the close of this morning’s meditation we discussed how important it is to be ever aware that every thought, every word and every deed reflect His divine goodness.  All of this with a mind to the proliferation of senseless recent shootings, with the resultant loss of so many lives.
Each one of us must demonstrate our innate Knowingness by BEING the kindness, the caring, the gracious, the loving, the humble, the understanding spiritual soul that our families, communities, workplaces, towns, cities and world need at this very moment:  BE the peaceful, thoughtful, positive soul that uplifts and benefits others.  All such thoughts start with our intention to … BECOME a spiritual conduit of God’s all-encompassing love and of His healing life-forceblw

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.       
Mahatma Gandhi 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Cycle of Suffering...

WE HAVE ONLY TO REFLECT on mankind’s age-old folly and to look within ourselves to realize how, collectively and individually, we persist in straying from that well-known dictum: “Do to others as you would have them do to you;” one found in the writings of ancient cultures throughout recorded history.

Just as a journey is made one step at a time, so must it be if we are to break this mad cycle of mutual suffering.  It is a moral obligation for each one of us to honour this simple expression of love and respect for our fellow-man.  Failure to do so is to disavow our own humanity.

Garry D. Kilbourn               

“…break this mad cycle of mutual suffering…”
This past Thursday evening I visited my friend in the nursing home.  Alice was full of sorrow and needed to share her feelings. 

“I’m a failure,” she said, “… my unhappy marriage, divorce, and my strained relationship with my daughter for over forty years... we haven’t spoken in months.“

With prayerful help from a friend who is a Christian Science Practitioner, Alice is becoming freed from sorrow.  The answer is divine Love.  Love for herself along with abundant loving thoughts for her daughter will free Alice from heart-wrenching grips of sorrow; this cycle will be broken.  blw

Friday, June 22, 2012

... ever conscious of God's presence ...

PEOPLE OF GOOD WILL THE WORLD OVER would agree that mankind’s trodden path even to this day is one that ever leads us astray from our true selves.  There is naught to be gained in strife; all to be gained in love.
We are, each one of us, a child of GodWe have but to walk in His Way, loving our neighbour as we love ourself.  Were we to be ever conscious of God’s presence, honouring in word and deed His divine goodness and love, we might rightfully declare our own humanity.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“… ever conscious of  God’s  presence.”

At five this morning I was driving to the meditation centre.  I saw a young man sitting beneath a tree that was beside the High School football field.  He was alone.  His arms were across his knees, his head bowed.  I sensed God’s presence around him.  I pray he did too.  blw

Friday, June 15, 2012

LOVE which transcends ...

All who awake to it each morning know of a LOVE which transcends human understanding: God’s love made manifest; a spiritual revelation.  It is an unselfish love; one woven into the very fibre of the soul. Above all, it is the reality of an intimate relationship with God.

Garry D. Kilbourn

… LOVE which transcends …

Cancer and suicide claim two precious souls who are lovingly welcomed into Eternal Life.
LOVE which transcends human understanding is a gift for everyone. blw

“My heavenly Father will never leave me comfortless,
in the amplitude of His Love.” *

*Mary Baker Eddy(1821-1910) Pastor Emeritus, Christian Science, Prose Works, pg 249.

Agapé Hospice, 1302 8th Av NW, Calgary AB T2N 1B8. Phone: 403-282-6588

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Be ever in life’s moment:
having left its indelible mark,
forever moves into the mists of time,
while the FUTURE is yet but a promise.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Be ever in life’s moment…

Just recently I experienced being in life’s moment… The MOMENT was very special and full of loving grace.  We stood silently, with heads bowed, drinking in the feelings of this precious moment.

We were presenting a Palliative Care Program at OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP PARISH.  Saturday afternoon, sixty of us were about to join in for lunch.  Halina asked Sister Magdalena to pray a blessing.  She, with twenty members of their parish, prayed the Lord’s Prayer in Chineseslowly, reverently, joyfully. We were blessed!  blw

Spiritual Weight Loss
Healing Circle registration

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Unattended Thoughts...

Thoughts of the mind left unattended take on a life of their own. 

Our role, nay, our moral obligation, is to control such thoughts.  Those revealing themselves to be negative or unkind will find no haven.  Uppermost are thoughts of a positive and loving Nature; those which inspire us to always look for the good in others.  Of a sudden our outlook on life is viewed as if from a mountaintop midst glorious rays of sunshine.  We can but give thanks to God.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“…control such thoughts…”

Isn’t it amazing when out-of-the-blue, without realizing it, your thoughts have taken you on a journey to a past experience.   You remember it, you feel it.   The other morning I awoke to a disturbing memory.  I could feel being pulled into the replay scene on the screen of my mind.

Thank God for friends who share their tried and true wisdom.  A short time ago, Mary said, “if a robber comes to your door, would you let him in?”  “NO,” I said.  “Well, why do you let your thoughts rob you of joy and happiness?”  Mary then quoted *Mary Baker Eddy – “Stand porter at the door of thought… ”  This simple quote saves me every time !   blw

*Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy

Friday, May 18, 2012

Life's Moment...

Be ever in life’s moment:  The past, having left its indelible mark, forever moves into the mists of time, while the future is yet but a promise.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Monday, May 14, 2012

Sheltered Under God's Canopy...

There are no exceptions:  We are all sheltered under the glorious canopy of God’s boundless goodness and love.  That many are plainly unaware of this divine blessing is nothing short of human tragedy.  To our own good fortune, however, the key to awareness lies ever within us.
     In all earnestness, we have but to replace mundane thoughts with those of God, by their very nature unselfish and loving.  Honesty of purpose begets transcendental purity of thought, which in turn transports us into the wondrous realm of our own spirituality: a oneness with God.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Sheltered under God’s Canopy…

You know when you keep thinking about someone… it feels like something is going on in their life… you think about calling… and then they get in touch with you. 

Gina emailed sad news and asked for prayers.  Her Mom is in a hospice room at the hospital.  She is sleeping most of the time now.  Gina and her Dad sit silently at her bedside, daily.  When words can’t convey our feelings, it’s comforting to know that we are sheltered under God’s canopy of Loveblw

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Moral Integrity...

Honesty, truthfulness, trustworthiness, humility are exemplary human characteristics which connote moral integrity.  Such character traits are not ephemeral — a product of the mind — but are inborn: in a word, providential.

We alone bear responsibility for honouring these moral imperatives. Thus do we honour as well ourself, our fellow-man and our very humanity.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“…moral integrity…”

With the *Spring Bereavement Education Program workshop completed, forty participants received their certificates!

As one of the volunteers, during the two weekends, I was privileged to get to know the participants and meet the presenters.  Some participants are from Parish Bereavement Teams, Health Care facilities, and some are on their grief journey.  The presenters are professionals who work and teach in Health Care specializing in Responses to Grief & Loss; Self Care; Anticipatory Loss & Grief; Suicide & Sudden Loss; Children’s Grief & Loss; and Spirituality in Loss. 

The participant’s shared how much they appreciated the compassion, honesty, integrity, truthfulness, personal stories and knowledge of the presenters.  The closing celebration is always joyful, emotional and so worthwhile !  blw
*Health Care Apostolate, Diocese of Calgary

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Providential Guideposts...

With but little thought it should come as no surprise that we are, each one of us, unlike any other: each destined to find his or her own way in life. To be sure, there is a path that unites us; one that acknowledges our own God-given goodness.

Though not visible to the naked eye, life’s many providential guideposts are there for all to see were we to look within.

Fundamental to our embracing ever-abiding goodness is that of self-honesty, all the while paring away layer upon layer of worldly habits that obscure the diving light of our life-giving soul. Bit by bit we free ourself of crippling ego. Selfishness is overcome by concern for others, ever looking for the good in each person. We learn to give thanks for that which befalls us and to trust in others, which, of itself, invites trust. Life’s setbacks are viewed as but stepping stones to even greater heights. Self-doubt becomes self-confidence, while self-importance falls prey to humility. Not least, we learn to love ourself and others. The transformative power of goodness abounds within us.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“…providential guideposts…”

During this morning’s *meditation class Judi shared a story… she, at one time, attended art school.  At a certain point during the year each student was to meet with the teacher to discuss their art portfolio. As the teacher was commenting on the art work she noticed how uninterested Judi appeared to be. The teacher stopped talking, looked at Judi and said, “You don’t believe you can draw.”

With this example, Judi looked at our class and said, “You don’t believe you are a Soul.”   I… felt… exposed…  

Judi said, “what can God say to help you understand that you are a soul?”  I just didn’t know what word or thought would break the code of my stubbornness to fully realize Spiritual Truths for me.

This question didn’t leave my mind.  Driving home, I boldly said, “God, what can you say to make me believe… ?”  I don’t remember finishing my sentence… I heard,  “I love you, Bonnie.”

My providential guidepost… I will forever remember this moment… life changing.  blw

*Brahma Kumaris | Calgary Centre

Saturday, March 31, 2012

" favour of Godly thoughts..."

What does it mean “to be saved ;” “to give ourself to God ;” “to surrender to God ?”  These and other such praiseworthy terms are made real, not by whim, but when we succumb—mind, body and soul—to that higher power from within; our divine spirituality.

Each of us experiences this spiritual transformation in his or her own way.  The one factor common to all, however, is this: We must cease the turmoil of the mind in favour of Godly thoughts.  Giving ourself over to God in this manner fills us with the freedom and the joy of Walking in His Way.  Blind pursuit of worldly ways is revealed as aught but an empty promise.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“… in favour of Godly thoughts.”

Thursday evenings I look forward to meeting up with Alice.  Just shy of eighty years and living in a nursing home, Alice struggles with debilitating thoughts.  She is in the process of updating her will, estranged from her siblings and her children.  Alice’s emotions range from fear to anger and all that could have been but is not. 

This is a story with a silver lining.  Alice enjoys a friendship with Brenda, who is also a Christian Science Practitioner.  For days after a visit with Brenda, Alice feels loved and calm.  Brenda prays with Alice and gives her *Godly thoughts to fill her mind.  

* ”Stand porter at the door of thought…control yourself harmoniously…shut out these unhealthy thoughts and fears.”  Pg 392 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy

Saturday, March 17, 2012

"... compassionate humility"

Those who forever question life’s purpose tend to reach a time when the struggle to understand so exhausts the mind that the subconscious—our higher, spiritual, self—takes over.  This divinely self-protective measure at once frees us of crippling egoism and blesses us instead with compassionate humility.  Our soul is laid bare: we are again one with God, alive in the fullness of His love.

Instinctively we know this new-found sense of spiritual empowerment is not in itself enough.  With no thought of resting on our laurels, we discover the joy of giving freely of ourself to others, all the while manifesting God’s goodness and His love.  In the doing we are even further blessed in that we awaken to the fact that we have become part of a community of like-minded souls.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“… compassionate humility”

In my heart of hearts, I know I’ve not always given freely of myself
Unaware of my ego in full flight, I thought I was the ‘perfect’ volunteer, friend, sister. 
In today’s *meditation class these words stirred my soul… “God melts me and turns me into gold”.  I am forever grateful.  blw

*Brahma Kumaris | Calgary Centre
Suite 100, 206 10A Street NW Calgary, AB, T2N 1W6
403-209-2988  |


"Giving up 'things' does not work well for me.  I prefer to give up things like not having the last word, or not raising my voice in an argument, or not complaining about what I have to do etc... There is so much out there that I'll never exhaust it all!  Lent needs to give us a sense of joy in cooperating with God's plan for our lives."


Thank you,


Saturday, March 10, 2012 have done it unto me...

These few words of God, “…inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me,” warm the heart and uplift the soul.  When placed in context they are words fitting all aspects of our life.

We are all God’s children, loved equally by Him.  God is ever-present in our life, and yes, He speaks to us when showing us His way.  Not always do we hear, but when we do we are transformed—not least the humble.

If we are to reclaim our God-given goodness, whereby we learn to love ourself and others, it but stands to reason that we listen to and follow God’s directives.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“…inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me,”…

While enjoying friendship over mugs of tea, this ‘spring’ afternoon in Calgary, my friend shared that later today she’d be visiting a dear friend who is now in a nursing home.  These visits are sometimes worrisome for both.  The friend’s memory, mood and behaviour show signs of a life becoming affected by Alzheimer’s Disease.  The unknown brings fear.  We thought of ways to make their conversation flow with ease when we realized the answer was ever the same…  just be the friend you’ve always been.  blw

Sunday, February 26, 2012

As above, so below...

There comes to us a simple aphorism from out of the night of time which has the potential to forever change our life in a most wonderful way:  “As above, so below.”

That which is “above” (no less within and everywhere around us) is the mystical rhythm of the universe embodying all the forces of nature and of God.  Notwithstanding human conduct in general we are, each one of us, indisputably at one with God and nature.  Failing to acknowledge this redounds to our own lasting misfortune.

Man’s mortal mind is that which is “below”  in the sense that we long ago came to disown the purity of the divine soul as we hastened our downward spiral into the dissentious world of materialism.  How we may rectify that which we have torn asunder, to reclaim our senses and indeed our very humanity, becomes the question.

Mindful concentration of God’s love for all mankind, over time, will transport our earthly thoughts to a higher astral plane; one that unites our inner spiritual self with the transcendent forces of God and nature:  “As above, so below.”

Garry D. Kilbourn

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

We Can Change...

None of us, it must be said, is held captive to our present state in life.  We are, each of us, divinely spiritual souls possessed with intelligence and will.  Thus are we able to control the ceaseless workings of the mind, the source of all that bedevils us and all that sets us free.
We can change, no matter our state of mind, no matter our personal circumstance.  True change, that which endures and uplifts the soul, is none other than a spiritual awakening, a process of freeing the mind of worldly thoughts to become one with God.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“We can change…”  
 … a story of awakening as told to us:  She is not yet twenty years old…
“Yesterday night at 12:00 I was packing my school bag and getting ready to go to bed, when all of a sudden my facebook page lead me to the contacts that I have blocked on facebook.

I sat there for a few minutes thinking why is it that I blocked theses people from facebook? Therefore I unblocked everyone and then all of a sudden I got this new kind of energy and I decided to write to all the people from my past that were "not my friends anymore", so I sat there and wrote all these emails to these people with a different tone.  Before all I could tell them  was how upset I am for their actions and how I’m so sad.  However, yesterday night I wrote to all these people saying SORRY... I never did give them a second chance in life and just "judged" them so I went ahead and said sorry to each and every individual, letting them know that I could not sleep without telling them how I feel!

I feel soooo free today, I have not felt this free in a long time!  It was like I was trying to move on and forgive myself and them, however I was not able to! But this way I forgave not only them but myself and I am soooo Proud of myself :)

Really I feel like I did a great thing for myself.  In order for me to move on and do great things in life I needed to do this.  I have cleared all the negative moments in my life and kept good memories that will allow me to move forward in life :)  I have never felt more peaceful in life. “ 
(S.G. with love)