Saturday, May 5, 2012

Moral Integrity...

Honesty, truthfulness, trustworthiness, humility are exemplary human characteristics which connote moral integrity.  Such character traits are not ephemeral — a product of the mind — but are inborn: in a word, providential.

We alone bear responsibility for honouring these moral imperatives. Thus do we honour as well ourself, our fellow-man and our very humanity.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“…moral integrity…”

With the *Spring Bereavement Education Program workshop completed, forty participants received their certificates!

As one of the volunteers, during the two weekends, I was privileged to get to know the participants and meet the presenters.  Some participants are from Parish Bereavement Teams, Health Care facilities, and some are on their grief journey.  The presenters are professionals who work and teach in Health Care specializing in Responses to Grief & Loss; Self Care; Anticipatory Loss & Grief; Suicide & Sudden Loss; Children’s Grief & Loss; and Spirituality in Loss. 

The participant’s shared how much they appreciated the compassion, honesty, integrity, truthfulness, personal stories and knowledge of the presenters.  The closing celebration is always joyful, emotional and so worthwhile !  blw
*Health Care Apostolate, Diocese of Calgary


Bonnie said...

Vi's email says,
"Thank you for the genuine reflections. I close my eyes and truly meditate on “do we honour as well ourself, our fellow-man.”

Bonnie said...

Bob's email says,
"Enjoyed your thoughts as presented today! reminded me of my (now Deceased) ZEN Master friend Tanouye Roshi of Honolulu Hawaii, who once related to me those exact words you have presented in TODAY'S REFLECTIONS ! ...I'm impressed and taken by your fine thoughts of the day!"

Bonnie said...

Shirley's email says,
"Good message!

Bonnie said...

Meg's email says,
"I LOVE this one! ...this reflection is an excellent example for good leadership. I will have this written on the board for the students to follow - I'm teaching the Senior Leader portion of my trade."