Sunday, April 15, 2012

Providential Guideposts...

With but little thought it should come as no surprise that we are, each one of us, unlike any other: each destined to find his or her own way in life. To be sure, there is a path that unites us; one that acknowledges our own God-given goodness.

Though not visible to the naked eye, life’s many providential guideposts are there for all to see were we to look within.

Fundamental to our embracing ever-abiding goodness is that of self-honesty, all the while paring away layer upon layer of worldly habits that obscure the diving light of our life-giving soul. Bit by bit we free ourself of crippling ego. Selfishness is overcome by concern for others, ever looking for the good in each person. We learn to give thanks for that which befalls us and to trust in others, which, of itself, invites trust. Life’s setbacks are viewed as but stepping stones to even greater heights. Self-doubt becomes self-confidence, while self-importance falls prey to humility. Not least, we learn to love ourself and others. The transformative power of goodness abounds within us.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“…providential guideposts…”

During this morning’s *meditation class Judi shared a story… she, at one time, attended art school.  At a certain point during the year each student was to meet with the teacher to discuss their art portfolio. As the teacher was commenting on the art work she noticed how uninterested Judi appeared to be. The teacher stopped talking, looked at Judi and said, “You don’t believe you can draw.”

With this example, Judi looked at our class and said, “You don’t believe you are a Soul.”   I… felt… exposed…  

Judi said, “what can God say to help you understand that you are a soul?”  I just didn’t know what word or thought would break the code of my stubbornness to fully realize Spiritual Truths for me.

This question didn’t leave my mind.  Driving home, I boldly said, “God, what can you say to make me believe… ?”  I don’t remember finishing my sentence… I heard,  “I love you, Bonnie.”

My providential guidepost… I will forever remember this moment… life changing.  blw

*Brahma Kumaris | Calgary Centre


Bonnie said...

Meg's email says...
"This WHOLE reflection is beautiful.. starting with the picture of the road signs! Very nice!"

Bonnie said...

Marlene's email says...
"this brought tears to my eyes. Garry spells it out so easily and clearly for our minds to understand. Your personal experience of it makes our hearts understand!! I felt this!"

Bonnie said...

Leslie's email says...
"This message is hitting so close to home today.
Thank you so much for sharing."

Bonnie said...

Cheryl's email says...
"WOW - thanks for sharing!"

Bonnie said...

Donna's email says...
"What a lovely Reflection. Wonderful! And, Bonnie, thank you for sharing that beautiful experience. I will treasure it."