Saturday, August 18, 2012

HABIT is defined as “an acquired behaviour pattern;” one that plays a prominent role in our life. To be sure habits, for the most part, are innocuous. Those, however, which endanger our well-being demand to be questioned. In blindly submitting to self-imposed rules of behaviour, no less those unconsciously assumed, we impair our ability to judge both right and wrong.

Doing things out of habit, never questioning our motives, tends to absolve our behaviour: Be it right or wrong, we will have failed to subject it to the crucible of honesty and truthfulness.

Honesty and truthfulness, ever our TOUCHSTONE, enable us to know both who we are and our purpose in life; personal traits that instill self-respect and honour our worth.
Garry D. Kilbourn

Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND: Not Your Diet©

HABIT:  Starting from early childhood a lifetime of habits and self-imposed rules have molded my life.  One-by-one subtle and some glaring behaviours are falling away from under a spiritual microscope of honesty and truthfulness.  Being in relationship with God’s unconditional Love I am becoming the person who I was meant to be. blw


Bonnie said...

Cathy's email says,
"Loved this reflection... reminds us all to constantly tune in to God to HEAR what He wants and to look deep within and see if we are being faithful and obedient to what He is teaching us."

Bonnie said...

Carol Ann's email says,
"Thank you for sharing your insights! Each and every one is an inspiration."

Bonnie said...

Tim's email says,
"I know only too well how my life is governed by habits. I find it so frustrating that I so often, without much thought, go down the same destructive path to the same harmful and disappointing consequence."

Bonnie said...

Jennifer's email says,
"I ... know a habit of trying to still get it all done, is making me happy and tired all at once."

Bonnie said...

Mary's email says,
"You and Garry hit the nail right on the head. Ouch!!"

Bonnie said...

Mary R's email says,
"So true. Thank you so much, Garry, for your constant stirring of the waters of our consciousness!"