Sunday, November 4, 2012


Neither in word nor in deed should we be in haste.  There is no undoing that which is said or done when we speak without thinking or act impulsively: for good or ill, the die is cast.
We do ourself and others a disservice when we fail to take the time to think beforehand of the relevance or import of what we say or do.

Contemplation should ever be our companion.  By going within and coming to know ourself, our understanding and appreciation of others is immeasurably increased.

In conversing with another, our thoughts and our conduct should have less to do with us, and instead be given over to the other.  Words become meaningful, the encounter uplifting: a bond is formed, two lives enriched.

Garry D. Kilbourn


Bonnie said...
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Bonnie said...

Linda's email says,
"Beautifully written, shared & felt! ...such a lovely message..."

Bonnie said...

Alicia's email says,
"Very awesome reflection!! I have been doing some contemplative practice beginning a year or so ago."

Bonnie said...

Mary's email says,
"Okay, Garry, I'll try that!!"

Bonnie said...

Rebeca's email says,
"It is a beautiful reflection..."

Bonnie said...

Tim's email says,
"I would really like to become a better listener... thanks for this."

Bonnie said...

Meg's email says,
"WOW! This one is so good, well timed, and very pertinent for me lately. Even when saying something nice to someone, it's true that you have to think about the person you are complimenting and how you word it, timing,, etc... Thank you... I needed to 'hear' this."

Bonnie said...

Jo's email says,
"... today's message was sent "for me" ... I have been dealing with some pretty bogging down issues.. I never quite know if I do the right thing or say the right thing, but after receiving this from you, I am thankful because I don't act in haste ... sometimes I question how long I ponder things before I respond, but this confirms my question... it is better to take time necessary to think about and act properly, rather than react... thank you for this "timely" message ... it has really helped me today..."

Bonnie said...

Mary's email says,
"Again, thought-provoking reflection. Thank you so much Garry."