Li'l Miss and her neighbour couldn't help wondering at times if their good fortune would continue. But as quickly as their minds wandered down this slippery path of self-doubt, they were brought back to their senses by Grandma's repeated exhortation: "Believe and all will be well." Chapter Sixteen
excerpt from Li'l Miss Red Mittens and The Ice Cream Garden
by Garry D. Kilbourn
To order your copy click on
Email from Sylvia: I am stunned by the beauty inspired by your website. In my everyday life, I rush about doing a million things, almost all of which I enjoy. It is important for me to stop several times a day and open up to silence where God can reach me. Thank you for helping me to open up to the Divine residing in me. You are a channel for God's love for the world." Sep 24/10
Email from Meg:
"I've started reading Li'l Miss--I love it. I love the illustrations. It now resides with 'My First Book about God.' " Sep 22/10.
Email from Wendy--Sep 23/10:
"I was reading your books this a.m. and I love them...I read quite a bit of the "God" book and it is something I can take with me wherever I go due to it's size.
"The children's book (Li'l Miss Red Mittens)looks great and I want to sit and read it soon.
"Garry's book (a small business primer) I hope will help me as I prepare to open for business next year as a Spiritual Director."
Phone call from a dear 91 year old friend in Denver:
"Well, I just love your gentle book...I remember having a trunk like that with brass on the corners...the drawings are so the story real? is so beautiful!!"
Sep 27/10
Phone call from Delores (Sep 24/10):
Li'l Miss Red Mittens is beautiful, beautiful--physically stunning. I've read the first 2 chapters, eager to read more...The note cards that match the pictures in the book are beautiful. Illustrations are the definitions. Well done!
Email from Sylvia, Xavier's grandma (Sep 30/10):
We are looking forward to reading it (Li'l Miss Red Mittens) and being uplifted. Xavier (19 months old) thanks you too. He loves books more than any child I know!
Email from Delores (Oct 2/10):
Garry must have known about my love for ice cream when he wrote it! It's a lovely story packed with all kinds of good, wholesome messages.
Email from Sannia (Oct 12/10):
I believe I can relate to this book! I also love my grandmother (mum's mum) who passed away 12 years ago, but before leaving she gave me her spiritual bangle and it has been on me ever since :) Even though I was only 6 years old when she passed away, I still believe I have a really deep connection with her!
I really liked the way there is a glossary at the end of each chapter, and really I was smiling the whole way through the book!!
Email from Barbara (Oct 18/10):
I really enjoyed reading every page - I rationed my reading to two chapters just before I went to bed each night. I so liked all the life lessons it contained. The illustrations really depicted the story and in a very interesting way. Almost abstract - and they worked so well with the story being so detailed. Bravo, a lovely story for the young and young at heart.
Mary's email says, "...due to a situation, I only got to read L'il Miss Red Mittens on Friday evening. Needless to say, I read it at one sitting. Beautiful!!"
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