Sunday, June 28, 2015

Reaching For The Light ...


Call it what you will, but the “… still small voice …” that speaks to us from the very depth of our soul is, without question, the voice of Truth. To ignore it is to live a life devoid of purpose. To honour it is to enter into fabled Elysium made real — a state of perfect happiness.

In choosing Truth as our moral standard, we call upon those two basic human faculties, Reason and Intuition, each buttressing the other, to show us the Way. Thus do we have the best of all worlds wherein our physical, or mortal, Being is working in harmony with our divinely immortal Being: Reason, a product of the mind, and Intuition, that spiritual voice which speaks from the soul. Invoking Intuition at once ennobles the soul and subsumes Reason, taking it to a higher, spiritual, plane. We become aware of God’s calming presence, knowing we have found the Way. 
— Garry D. Kilbourn

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