Friday, June 19, 2015

Reaching For The Light ...


How arduous the path we trod in our quest for inner peace, all the while following false guideposts, and all the while refusing to look within. Were we to question our motives, common sense alone would tell us that our ill-omened ways are rooted in a habitual obeisance to the god of matter.

Our salvation lies in knowing we are a composite of two Beings: 1) mortal body and 2) immortal soul, or, God within. Inner harmony is achieved when our conscience — that “… still small voice …” becomes our guiding Light. We are aided in this divine pursuit when we take to heart those Scriptural passages stating:  “If a house be divided against itself that house cannot continue,” and “No man can serve two masters” … ye cannot serve God and mammon (i.e. matter). 
— Garry D. Kilbourn

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