Thursday, June 18, 2015

Reaching For The Light ...


Seldom do we give thought to how vital this timeworn epithet,
“ … Know Thyself …,” figures in our well-being. And little do we realize how daunting the task.

To know ourself is to know Harmony of mind, body and soul, subsumed in a sense of deep inner peace. The business of coming to know ourself, like all else that is good, is akin to the pursuit of Truth; self-honesty being paramount. It means going within and purging mundane thought, such that mortal mind is taken to a higher, spiritual plane whereby the soul, long veiled by materialism, is seen to be what it is — our true inner self. With new-found values that affirm our blissful state, we are forever transformed. — Garry D. Kilbourn

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