Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Life-Light was the real thing: Every person entering Life he brings into Light. He was in the world, the world was there through him, and yet the world didn’t even notice. He came to his own people, but they didn’t want him. But whoever did want him, who believed he was who he claimed and would do what he said, He made to be their true selves, their child-of-God selves. These are the God-begotten, not blood-begotten, not flesh-begotten, not sex-begotten.
— John 1:12-13 
The Message 

“Reaching For The Light”
Know Thyself … p 67

The premise is not a new one; quite the opposite in fact, for it has been known from earliest recorded history. Much more recently, about 450 years before the birth of Christ, the Stoic philosopher Zeno summed it up in two words: … Know Thyself … .” This divine insight — for such it is — need be our sole guidepost throughout life.

Knowing ourself means disencumbering the crass materialism that burdens the soul. All too often this only manifests itself when we are at our lowest, in a state of utter hopelessness and despair. It is, nonetheless, a time when our cries are heard; when, by the grace of God, we find the Way.
— Garry D. Kilbourn

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