Sunday, May 29, 2016

"Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behaviour: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them. Add up God’s Law and Prophets and this is what you get.
— Matthew 7:12
The Message (MSG)

“Reflections From Infinite Mind”
Love: The Healing Elixir

Any thinking person will know to question man’s age-old propensity to judge and to inflict harm on others, all the while knowing that basic common sense tells us to do to others as we would have them do to us. Ethical and moral principles are human guideposts which enable us to live in peaceful harmony with our fellow beings. However, we need but look to mankind’s history to know that we, collectively, will not achieve this Elysian state of perfect happiness so long as we fail to acknowledge our human dualism, i.e., that of our mortal body, limited by the five senses and that which gives meaning to life and is at once life itself, our immortal soul.

It need hardly be said that such acknowledgment can only be done one person at a time; each one of us looking within, conscious of our inborn goodness and that of all others which, by its very nature, engenders love for all. Loving ourself and all others, mindful that we are all of the one Divine Mind, this, and naught else, will bring us together in peace.
— Garry D. Kilbourn

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