Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.
— I Timothy 2:8
King James Version of the Bible

from Providential Guideposts
Changing Our Life
For The Better … p. 9

To simply accept that which daily befalls us, believing this to be our fate, is to resign ourselves to a life offering little hope and even less happiness. History, no less our own spiritual intuition, shows us a better way.

Changing our life for the better means changing our thinking, our attitude and, as well, our routine. Like all things in life worthwhile, personal enlightenment, both intellectual and spiritual, requires commitment and discipline.

Set aside time for meditation and reflection. Meditation means putting conscious thought from the mind such that we become unaware of our own physicality, thus achieving a state of spiritual transcendence: able to sense God’s presence. Reflection, whereby we but give thanks to God throughout the day, serves to reinforce the benefits of meditation.

Regular adherence to this routine, enforced by thoughts of love for oneself and others, results in spiritual enlightenment: we at once come to know ourself and become one with God.
— Garry D. Kilbourn

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