Saturday, February 7, 2015

Providential Guideposts ... p. 43

The circumstances that determine our state in life are not immutable. With each breath we draw and with every thought that assails the mind, we have the opportunity to change.

Change begins, firstly, with a willingness to do so, followed by a firm resolve to see it through. In the full knowledge that change is an intensely personal matter, we are obliged to look nowhere but within.

In a state of repose we learn to quiet the mind, ever cognizant of God’s Love while silently affirming “I am enough.” We thus become physically and emotionally centered, at once sensing a warm inner peace.

In such a state, visualize as two separate beings mortal body and immortal soul. Allow purity of mind to transport soul’s divinely spiritual essence into the realm of intuitive sixth sense, whereupon spirit is suffused with the light of God’s wondrous Love.

Save that which we limit ourselves, change knows no bounds. Neither does it come easily. Learning to cherish a sense of one’s own goodness is essential to our well-being. In time, our very thought, our every deed, are those of love for our fellow-man: We are ever at one with God.

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