There comes to us a simple
aphorism from out of the night of time which has the potential to forever
change our life in a most wonderful way: “As above, so below.”
That which is “above” (no less within and
everywhere around us) is
the mystical rhythm of the universe embodying all the forces of nature and of
God. Notwithstanding human conduct in general we are, each one of us,
indisputably at one with God and Nature. Failing to acknowledge this redounds
to our own lasting misfortune.
Man’s mortal mind is that
which is “below” in the sense that we long ago came to disown the purity of the
divine soul as we hastened our downward spiral into the dissentious world of
materialism. How we may rectify that which we have torn asunder, to reclaim our
senses and indeed our very humanity, becomes the question.
Mindful concentration of
God’s Love for all mankind, over time, will transport our earthly thoughts to a
higher astral plane; one that unites our inner spiritual self with the
transcendent forces of God and Nature: “As above, so below.”
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