Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Abiding Self-Worth ...

We are as nothing without love: love of ourself and love of others.  Love lies within the soul, the very core of our Being.  Left to lie dormant and unused, our capacity for love ever diminishes such that we become but an empty shadow of who we are meant to be. When taken up and used, love is that which reveals our humanity and gives reason for our Being.
Love – in reality a divine providence – is accessible through the twin character traits of selflessness and truthfulness.  These, in turn, require that, in all humility, we entrust ourself to God.  Thus may we quiet the turmoil of the mind to reveal the light of the soul and our divine spirituality.  And only thus may we know peace within, coupled with a deep and abiding sense of self-worth.

Garry D. Kilbourn
Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND: Not Your Diet© Spiritual Weight Loss by bwfaithministry


Bonnie said...

Anne's email says,
"Lovely!!!!! So true."

Bonnie said...

Alanna's email says,
"...very precious and implies that the writers have had quite a fascinating journey of self-discovery with the God they understand. Very lovely -- many sweet thanks and blessings."

Bonnie said...

Mary's email says,
"That's the best definition of self-worth I have ever come across, Garry."

Bonnie said...

Meg's email says,
"Very beautiful, Garry!! You know, I am seeing this more and more in myself – my ability to love myself. I’m learning to except things about myself and just let go of that which used to cause me a lot of pain. I can really see how getting older is a blessing. And maybe I’m hallucinating, but I think that self love and consequential calmness and confidence, is helping my kids."

Bonnie said...

Carol Ann's email says,
"Nicely put - mesmerism of today is... WE ARE TOO BUSY FOR CONTEMPLATION. That's where our inner peace comes from, within."