Saturday, May 19, 2012

Unattended Thoughts...

Thoughts of the mind left unattended take on a life of their own. 

Our role, nay, our moral obligation, is to control such thoughts.  Those revealing themselves to be negative or unkind will find no haven.  Uppermost are thoughts of a positive and loving Nature; those which inspire us to always look for the good in others.  Of a sudden our outlook on life is viewed as if from a mountaintop midst glorious rays of sunshine.  We can but give thanks to God.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“…control such thoughts…”

Isn’t it amazing when out-of-the-blue, without realizing it, your thoughts have taken you on a journey to a past experience.   You remember it, you feel it.   The other morning I awoke to a disturbing memory.  I could feel being pulled into the replay scene on the screen of my mind.

Thank God for friends who share their tried and true wisdom.  A short time ago, Mary said, “if a robber comes to your door, would you let him in?”  “NO,” I said.  “Well, why do you let your thoughts rob you of joy and happiness?”  Mary then quoted *Mary Baker Eddy – “Stand porter at the door of thought… ”  This simple quote saves me every time !   blw

*Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy

Friday, May 18, 2012

Life's Moment...

Be ever in life’s moment:  The past, having left its indelible mark, forever moves into the mists of time, while the future is yet but a promise.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Monday, May 14, 2012

Sheltered Under God's Canopy...

There are no exceptions:  We are all sheltered under the glorious canopy of God’s boundless goodness and love.  That many are plainly unaware of this divine blessing is nothing short of human tragedy.  To our own good fortune, however, the key to awareness lies ever within us.
     In all earnestness, we have but to replace mundane thoughts with those of God, by their very nature unselfish and loving.  Honesty of purpose begets transcendental purity of thought, which in turn transports us into the wondrous realm of our own spirituality: a oneness with God.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Sheltered under God’s Canopy…

You know when you keep thinking about someone… it feels like something is going on in their life… you think about calling… and then they get in touch with you. 

Gina emailed sad news and asked for prayers.  Her Mom is in a hospice room at the hospital.  She is sleeping most of the time now.  Gina and her Dad sit silently at her bedside, daily.  When words can’t convey our feelings, it’s comforting to know that we are sheltered under God’s canopy of Loveblw

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Moral Integrity...

Honesty, truthfulness, trustworthiness, humility are exemplary human characteristics which connote moral integrity.  Such character traits are not ephemeral — a product of the mind — but are inborn: in a word, providential.

We alone bear responsibility for honouring these moral imperatives. Thus do we honour as well ourself, our fellow-man and our very humanity.

Garry D. Kilbourn

“…moral integrity…”

With the *Spring Bereavement Education Program workshop completed, forty participants received their certificates!

As one of the volunteers, during the two weekends, I was privileged to get to know the participants and meet the presenters.  Some participants are from Parish Bereavement Teams, Health Care facilities, and some are on their grief journey.  The presenters are professionals who work and teach in Health Care specializing in Responses to Grief & Loss; Self Care; Anticipatory Loss & Grief; Suicide & Sudden Loss; Children’s Grief & Loss; and Spirituality in Loss. 

The participant’s shared how much they appreciated the compassion, honesty, integrity, truthfulness, personal stories and knowledge of the presenters.  The closing celebration is always joyful, emotional and so worthwhile !  blw
*Health Care Apostolate, Diocese of Calgary