Sunday, January 29, 2012

We Touch Others With His Love...

Lost in a daydream, we know what it is to lose all sense of body consciousness, our mind freed of worldly woe.  Our reverie, if only for a moment, takes us to a higher place.

It is just such a state that we long for as we quiet our mind in silent prayer to allow God’s presence to suffuse our very being with His love.  Only by thus losing ourselves in God, our mind one with His, can we touch others with His love: A love that forever purifies and heals the soul.

Garry D. Kilbourn                           

“…we touch others with His love…”

Today, God’s tapestry of life unfolded in an amazing way bringing together pieces of lives we didn’t think were connected.
Just to back up a bit… remember Alice, I pick her up from a nursing home twice a month to attend Evening Grace at Grace Presbyterian.  We both look forward to seeing friends.  Alice commented we hadn’t seen Margaret for awhile but we both agreed, “she must just be away…”

Today, while visiting Alice, we read Margaret’s Memorial Service announcement, “Lovingly Remembered”.  Not knowing her well, we shared what we knew… Margaret’s bright smile and big hugs and her great circle of friends at Grace.  One of the Hymns noted was, “I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me,” …that was Margaret! 

There is another piece to this tapestry… I just found out this morning, Sheema, much loved and vibrant member of our Girlfriend’s Potluck group, passed away suddenly.  In sharing with Alice about Margaret, I was able to share my story about Sheema.  We celebrated both lives “…we touch others with His love…”   blw


Bonnie said...

Mary's email says, "How sad to lose friends. I sympathize with you, Bonnie. We need to remember our happy moments and our deep, meaningful moments together."

Bonnie said...

Louise's email says, "I'm just overwhelmed at Sheema's loss. Such a darling girl and so young too. Her mother and brother must be absolutely devastated. She will be sorely missed at our Chinese dinners.

Thank you for introducing me to her all those years ago. She was another gentle, sweet and kind influence in my life. I'll really miss our visits when I would pick her up for the dinners."

Bonnie said...

Meg's email says, "I do love the Reflection, but I’m so sorry about your friends, Margaret and Sheema. This is so profound: “Only by thus losing ourselves in God, our mind one with His, can we touch others with His love: A love that forever purifies and heals the soul.”'

Bonnie said...

Mary's email says, "Wow! Wonderful reflection!
Thank you….."

Bonnie said...

Megan's email says, "I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your two friends. They both sound like they touched your life, and were very special to you. I love your reflection though, and it's very true! Oh, to be able to lose myself like that all the time - it's not as easy as you would think!"