Sunday, November 20, 2011

Control Our Thoughts...

We are all plagued by unwelcome, ofttimes harmful, thoughts, a condition we tend to take for granted.

Presumably, in the belief that “this is the way it is; it is just human nature,” all too few take the time to consider, and to question this phenomenon; one both harmful and wrong.

Thought is but a phantom of the mind, having its origin in the brain.  It is common knowledge that the brain, in turn, is a highly malleable human organism:  It has the potential to generate those thoughts we ourselves will.  Herein lies the key.

We can, and we must, control our thoughts if we are to know and enjoy any measure of our God-given humanity.

Possessed of the inborn power to control our thoughts, we must be ever vigilant, ready to dismiss from the mind unwelcome and harmful thoughts.  Strange as it may seem, this is brought about by our simply introducing into the mind an uplifting thought:  “Thank you, God,” for example.  Already we feel better.

Garry D. Kilbourn

belief  that “this is the way it is…”
Amazing how a  belief can control your life.  Something someone said triggered  memories of my mom.  I didn’t know I had a subconscious belief that controlled how I dealt with my insecurities.  Looking back I realize mom was unwell our whole life together.  From childhood I saw how mom would become ill when faced with making decisions.  Illness was her safety net .  I didn’t know that her behaviour influenced my way of coping with life. 

New beginnings – July 2011 – no more running away from my feelings.  With this gift of awareness, whenever I start to feel uneasy, I know it is my responsibility to look within myself for the answer.  Life is for living our highest potential.  “Thank you, God.”  blw

Email  Healing Circle registration


Bonnie said...

Nancy's email says, "Just to let you know I really appreciate “Today’s Reflection” – I save them and often times go back to them and read them again. A new day and I may see your message in a different light. Both Garry’s message and your personal application of the message present the perfect combination!"

Bonnie said...

Linda's email says, "We have the choice to choose to think as we wish. Therefore as positive thinking classes also share, (thoughts create feelings) one has free choice as to how to feel at each moment of the day ~ no victim, villain or rescuer consciousness needs to take control."

Bonnie said...

Marlene's emails says, "What a lovely reflection by Garry, and by’s given me an “aha” moment when you talked about your mom’s coping mechanism being getting sick.

While I manage quite well to keep up with the day-to-day stuff, groceries, cooking, and laundry, whenever there’s time to tackle the clutter it seems there’s always a ready excuse. This revelation has been lingering in the back of my mind lately, and the words in your email helped give it clarity."

Bonnie said...

Louise's email says, "Thank you for a wonderful, RIGHT ON, Reflection. I have also been pondering this A LOT lately. By dwelling on past disappointments or failures and all the negative and harmful thoughts that come with it, it breeds fear AND blocks the gifts and blessings we receive when we are doing Gods work. This is how depression starts...

Our true human emotions are Bliss and Elation.
Any thing that blocks this is Not from God and should not be part of our thoughts or any part of our being."

Bonnie said...

Kathy's email says, "Was interesting to read about your mother – I think all parents influence their children & sad to say sometimes damage them --- they also have helped us in some ways become stronger & what we are today – everything is a learning & we never want to stop learning --- you are a great person and so lovable & kind --- sounds like your mom had missed out on a lot of love and attention..."

Bonnie said...

Sylvia's email says, "As far as I can tell, we humans are the only ones in the animal kingdom who need to wrestle with our thoughts. We are the only ones who need to choose God (consciously or unconsciously) in order to gain any measure of happiness. We can look back, project forward, live in the present. Living in the present is the greatest of all, allowing ourselves to be influenced in a positive way by the past and the future. The only reality is now; nevertheless, time cannot be pinned down. The now is the intersect between the past and the future, constantly in motion. I'm just a blabbering philosopher..."

Bonnie said...

Doreen's email says, "It is wonderful when, as we age, we can begin to put things into perspective and respect just where our parents were at certain times in their life."