Friday, September 16, 2011

Thoughts of Self-Doubt Have No Place In The Mind...

As is ever the case in matters of personal well-being, the mind plays a pivotal role, that of hero or villain.

One such villainous thought known to take hold in the mind is self-doubt.  Along with this, a number of equally self-destructive correlative emotions are triggered, any or all of which serve to reinforce our weakened sense of self-confidence: discomfort; loss of composure; unworthiness; comparison with others.

Thoughts of self-doubt have no place in the mind.  At the very least, they are undeserving of consideration and should be dispelled.

A change of attitude is called for; one that confirms our own self-worth.  Reason alone points the way: In a state of absolute repose we consciously turn the mind to thoughts of self-love and love of others.  Ever-lurking negative thoughts are put to rout, our self-respect renewed.  And, not least, our innately God-given goodness is affirmed.

When all is said and done, changing our outlook for the better is a matter of personal choice; that of a blessing.

Garry D. Kilbourn
“Thoughts of self-doubt have no place in the mind…”
A self-doubt-trigger for me was “comparison with others.”  All my life I felt that I didn’t belong…a feeling sort of like “coming from the wrong side of the tracks.”  I looked to everyone for my worthiness.  Thankfully, classes at the Brahma Kumaris Centre taught me that the answer was to take the journey within. This is where the battle is won.  A life lived in peace, without self-doubt is the perfect choice blw

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Bonnie said...

Anne's email says... All so true and definately thoughts that we must be reminded of from time to time in order to stay in proper focus and continue to sustain our feelings of well being.. Thank you again for those most provoking insights.

Bonnie said...

Leslie's email says... I so enjoy reading Garry's reflections and your thoughts every week. This is a particularly timely message for our daughter (I forward them to her). She is struggling with a lot of self-doubt at the moment due to a couple of recent turns of events and I'm sure this message will give her some peace. Thank you!

Bonnie said...

Yung's email says... Thank you for sending me all those wonderful Reflections. They are very meaningful.

Bonnie said...

Namrata's email says... I sent this to a friend of mine :)