Friday, September 9, 2011

Harmony of Being...

The wondrously divine force within us—that which we know to be God—is at one with the mystic force governing all of nature and the universe.  Human behaviour notwithstanding, we are in every sense a part of this whole.  Thus are we subject, like all else, to the so-called “laws of nature,” that is to say, laws ordained by God.
That we may do honour to this relationship, to become one with God and nature, we must first realize harmony of being—to become sound of mind, body and soul: that of coming to know thyself.

Garry D. Kilbourn               

“…harmony of being…”
This past Wednesday evening I attended an Annual Labyrinth Walk for Peace at FCJ Christian Life Centre.  Sixteen stepped out in mindful meditation, one slowly following the other into the centre of  the labyrinth and out again.  We prayed for ourselves, families, friends, strangers…..and the world.  For me, this was “harmony of being.”   blw
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1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Marlene's email: Owww... I love this! Coming to know myself. Yes, that is the gift... Gentle and loving guidance to the journey of knowing myself. As always, the words just speak to my whole soul. :-)