It is our moral responsibility to be true to ourselves and to others. Just as it is good for the soul when we look for the goodness in others.
Giving freely of ourselves refreshes the soul and allows us to love our fellow-man: A prerequisite being that we free ourselves of judging others.
Our moral compass, no less our instinct, compels us to do unto others that which we would have them do unto us.
There are, in truth, but a few guideposts to follow if we are to achieve and maintain a balance in life. That which starts us on our journey is to reign-in the mind. Because we have allowed our lives to be governed by worldly matters we have neglected the immortal soul: that which gives rise to our own spirituality. Reclaiming our divine goodness means quieting the mind, allowing the soul to soar: life no less so.
Garry D. Kilbourn
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Namrata writes: I like this one too
Sandra writes: Thanks for this, it did hit the core for me. Although I try to give freely of myself. I think sometimes it is too much. How do you know when it is too much? I guess I will have to find that balance.
Louise writes: Thank you for this beautiful reflection. I have had a week that has tested 'my mental strength' and I loved receiving; it reminds me yet again to keep my life balanced, allowing life to soar with my moral compass (compassion) !
Paul writes: If Only we could stop and refresh ourselves this way each day. What a peace we would have in our souls. I am going to do my best to do this for myself so others can see Gods love.
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