Saturday, August 13, 2011

Peace of Mind...

PEACE OF MIND and a sense of well-being are conditions essential to an enlightened soul.  To our own misfortune, however, no less that of others, what with our insatiable pursuit of things material, few know such contentment.

Nothing short of an about-face is required if we are to break this addiction to worldly matters, while at once awakening the need to nourish the soul.

Begin by being true to yourself and to others, knowing that each day you have done your best.  Love yourself, that you may love others.  Only thus may we embrace our own divine spirituality.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Email Healing Circle registration


Bonnie said...

Marlene's email: Yet another spectacular reflection, and oh-so true! I just love it. No matter what you write, it always seems so fitting to what I need to hear.

Bonnie said...

Yung's email: The reflections that Garry wrote is very meaningful. You can become enlightened in your life when you finally let all wants for material things. You become in touch of your heart and start to admire the beauties of nature and people and all things around you. When you become true to yourself you realize other's needs and desires which are also very easy to see when your eyes are clear.

You know that in life, people's possesions and haves are not always equal. But when we look at any and every person, they are the same. God gave us all equal abilities to do things, we just have to focus on what that is and do it.

Bonnie said...

Carol Ann's email: Well spoken. It all starts in our own consciousness