Tuesday, December 6, 2016

’Teacher,’ he said, ‘which law is the greatest law of all?’ Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart. Love him with all your soul, and love him with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest law.
— Matthew 22:36-38  Worldwide English (New Testament)

“Reaching For The Light”

Harmony of mind, body and soul begins with the realization that it is the mind — the incessant workings of the mind — that governs our well-being. Not a moment passes but that we may consciously choose our thoughts: they are ours to own and to act upon as we alone decide. Not surprisingly, the operative word is “to act,” ever mindful that for good or ill, so go our thoughts.

from “Reaching For The Light” by Garry D. Kilbourn

Reflection : “Stand porter at the door of thought,” a friend reminds me. She paints an image of a robber knocking at the door of my mind to rob me of my harmony, joy and peace. When I’m feeling doubtful, uneasy, sad, or judgmental I check in on my thoughts. I ask myself what ‘belief’ did I let into my mind to allow me to think this way, to harm my well-being? blw

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