Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Listen, your eye, your outlook, the way you see is your lamp. If your way of seeing is functioning well, then your whole life will be enlightened. But if your way of seeing is darkened, then your life will be a dark, dark place.
— Luke 11:34  The Voice (VOICE)

' sitting '
“Reaching For The Light”

Whether or not the many and varied ills that beset us are of our own making is a moot point. What does matter is that we alone must find a way to deal with them. How we go about this is critical to our well-being.

However difficult it may be, we begin by acknowledging our state in life and accepting responsibility for it. In the very act of doing so our burden is made lighter.

Freeing the mind of idle thoughts is a necessary first step in this life-long process: such thoughts replaced by an abiding awareness of God’s presence in our life, of His Goodness and of His Love for all.

Our other, higher spiritual self thus becomes freed as well, to reawaken our bruised soul and to give balance to our being.

The whole purpose in pursuing this course of personal enlightenment is to achieve Harmony of mind, body and soul. Only then may we lay claim to that age-old-maxim, to thine own self be true. And only then will we come to know true happiness.
— Garry D. Kilbourn

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