A third group hears the message, but as time passes, the daily anxieties, the pursuit of wealth, and life’s addicting delights outpace the growth of the message in their hearts. Even if the message blossoms and fruit begins to form, the fruit never fully matures because the thorns choke out the plants’ vitality. But some people hear the message and let it take root deeply in receptive hearts made fertile by honesty and goodness. With patient dependability, they bear good fruit.
— Luke 8:14-15 The Voice (VOICE)
“Reaching For the Light”
Spiritual Development
“Are you going to believe what you see, or what I’m about to tell you?” is a colloquialism ofttimes used in jest or to lighten an otherwise sticky situation.
In terms of our own spiritual development, it is an expression that might easily be used to illustrate why we so willingly embrace God intuitively by way of our sixth sense — our spiritual eye; whereas when we are exhorted to hear the Word of God, all too often the seed is sown in stony ground: The message is heard and received but for a season.
— Garry D. Kilbourn
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