Wednesday, August 24, 2016

[The way out — new life in Christ ] No condemnation now hangs over the head of those who are “in” Jesus Christ. For the new spiritual principle of life “in” Christ lifts me out of the old vicious circle of sin and death.
— Romans 8:1-2  J.B. Phillips New Testament  more 

“Reflections From Infinite Mind”
Completing The Circle … p 68

Obscured in the veils of selfhood lies a key that, when unearthed, frees us to become who we are truly meant to be. Whence we come and whither we go are long acknowledged as life’s abiding mysteries. Even so, we are sure to be taken aback with wonder if we but use our natural abilities of reason and intuition, day in, day out, to get a deeper understanding of our oneness with God, of our intimate relationship with nature. In the doing we undergo a spiritual transcendence which reveals itself in a deep sense of humility and selflessness: We are at peace within. We now feel compelled to give freely of ourself to others, to complete the circle through showing by example what it is we’ve come to know: Thus do we manifest God’s goodness and love.
— Garry D. Kilbourn

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