Thursday, June 16, 2016

My soul wrestled together therein; and I was confirmed in doing it. I stretched forth mine hands on high; and my soul shined in the wisdom of him, and he lightened mine uncunnings (or he enlightened my unknowings, or my ignorances). [My soul wrestled in it; and in doing it I am confirmed. My hands I straight(en)ed out into high; and in the wisdom of him wailed my soul, and mine uncunnings (or my ignorances) he lighted.]
— Sirach 51:19
Wycliffe Bible (WYC) 

“Reaching For The Light”
Enlightenment … p 44

Like most things, life is made easier if we but keep it simple. Let Truth and Love be our providential guideposts: Truth of Being and Love of God.

Neither thoughts of the mind nor exercise of will, in themselves, provide an awareness of God’s Love. Freeing the mind of mundane thoughts allows thoughts of God to awaken our spiritual Being: a selfless plea for God becoming one with us, that we may be and do as He is.

Truth of Being is none other than acknowledgement of our spiritual self; our inner Being; our divinely immortal soul.

Truth of being and Love of God are harmonious inseparables, making us whole.
— Garry D. Kilbourn

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