Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Harken unto this, O Job: stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God.
— Job 37:14
King James Version of the Bible

“Reflections From Infinite Mind”
A Man-Made Quirk … p. 39

Man is prone to do evil. Although this tendency is clearly a part of the human condition, mankind as such is not inherently evil. Were this so, it would follow that God possesses this same quirk, which we know would be a bold lie. God is aught but good, ever an impartial presence.

The doing of evil is alone a particular man-made quirk, a choice we consciously make, always to our own misfortune. We have equal opportunity, and better reason, were we instead to choose the path of goodness, compassion, understanding and love. These are all God-given traits — the essence of life — our true inner spiritual self.

God is our soul, our eternal self. Our body, albeit temporal, is but the temple for the soul. Clearly, and as we well know, we humans are a duality: that of soul and of body; our soul — our providential guidepost — forever pure; our body, governed by the five senses and subject to the vagaries of mortal mind. Our purpose, indeed our reason for being, is to live our life in the spiritual realm, to be one with God and to manifest His goodness and love by way of our mortal self. All else, at the very least, is error.
— Garry D. Kilbourn

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