Monday, September 7, 2015

“… He that had gathered much 
           had nothing over …
      he that had gathered little 
           had no lack.”
     — II Corinthians 8:15
King James Version of the Bible

The SOUL is LIFE ITSELF … p. 10

Only life itself is common to all things living. Otherwise, every one and every thing is different, each with its own identity. Insofar as humankind is concerned, given the fact that we are all born pure, how does it happen that each of us is so different from another? The answer is known to one and all. The sum of all that we experience, from cradle to grave, is what makes each of us different. Differences, to be sure, are good. Even more than that, they are necessary for our well-being. For it is this individualism that allows each of us to enjoy life to its full abundance in a manner of our own choosing.

Life’s multitude and diversity of experiences, day in and day out, etch the mind such that the mind commands our every action. This is both good and bad. Good to the extent that we use our mind to learn and to provide for our physical well-being and bad in the sense that all too often, consciously or unconsciously, we fail to nourish the soul. It is a truism that man’s inhumanity to man knows no bounds. We see this in our lives today, just as we know it to be so throughout mankind’s history. Such brutish and insensitive behaviour can but arise from a barren soul …

The soul is life itself, a life sustained by spirituality or, quite simply, by the presence of God. We know God only through believing in Him, in His love for us and for all of mankind. If our faith is true and unwavering we are transformed by His love such that our soul flourishes and blossoms into a love of oneself and of all others.
— Garry D. Kilbourn

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