Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Reaching For The Light ... p. 123

“… he that dwelleth in love 
dwelleth in God …”
I John 4:16
King James Version of the Bible

PRAYER … p. 123

A ceaseless hum of electrical activity is a term used in science when describing the human brain. Electrical impulses, interacting with chemical neurotransmitters, originate in the brain and extend throughout the body.

Little wonder, then, that we have such close affinity with the whole of nature wherein the entire universe is in itself a natural electromagnetic force.

Conjecture leads one to believe that human fellowship, no less communion with God, is made possible through the medium of electromagnetic forces common to mankind and to all of nature’s wonders.

In coming to be with God we do well to ask His Grace through earnest, unselfish prayer, thus comforting ourself while at once giving aid to another. Prayer is not an expression of human will: rather, it is a quiet moment suffused with God’s Love while in a state of complete self-effacement.
— Garry D. Kilbourn

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