Friday, May 1, 2015

Reaching For The Light ... p. 40


We ask of God in the Lord’s Prayer that “His will be done in earth as it is in heaven,” seemingly forgetting that such a plea may sometimes be at odds with our personal will.

Our own spiritual well-being demands that we at all times honour our undertaking to God, manifesting our love for both Him and our fellow-man, and doing unto others as we would like done to us. Meanwhile, and no less so, the mind is asserting its role in shaping our day-to-day conduct. How to reconcile what at first blush appears to be a contradiction of opposing forces, becomes the nagging question.

Were we to reflect, even for a moment, on this conundrum we would find the answer within the Lord’s Prayer itself. In exercising our will as a child of God thoughts of the mind become transcendent, reflecting His presence. By its very nature, our will becomes one with that of God’s: Our entire Being is given over to doing as God does and is.

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