Sunday, January 26, 2014

Spiritual Awakening ...

It is not enough merely to make do with all that befalls us in life. Were we but to probe our own mind, to question our thinking, reason alone would tell us we have a moral obligation to shape our own destiny. No matter the cost to our ego, we must be ever open and honest with ourself. This means mindfully freeing ourself from memories of life’s hardships (real and imagined). And it means consciously confronting and laying bare repressed trauma, thereby forestalling subliminal outbursts of real-life memories together with unforeseen, ofttimes disastrous, consequences. Finally, it means acknowledging and surrendering to our true inner spiritual self. This alone is our providential guidepost, and this alone gives us abiding peace and harmony within.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Excerpt from REACHING FOR THE LIGHT—a Spiritual Guide to Inner Peace leading to weight loss ©
“… moral obligation to shape our own destiny.”   

Has the title of a book ever tugged at or stirred a virtue within?  Lionel Trilling’s book title, “The Moral Obligation To Be Intelligent” did just that to me.  The title’s string of words told me it is my “obligation, duty, pledge, covenant, oath”  to be “ moral,  just, good, fair,”  to myself and others. As a result I’ve thoughtfully awakened to a Spiritual Truth that I have a moral obligation to keep learning and growing in my awareness, to understand and be sensitive to everyone. The other day a friend ‘pushed my buttons’ and I quickly began pushing back.  But then an article I’d just read came to mind, “silence of mind being a power that influences others.”  I stopped making excuses and became silent. This brief silence allowed each of us to take a fresh look … to shape a new outcome, destiny. blw

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