Sunday, March 24, 2013

Foundation and Cornerstone ...

We are all only too familiar with the discomfort of unwelcome thoughts of the past intruding upon the present.  Such thoughts serve no purpose, and must not be allowed to take hold in the mind.  Their very presence in our consciousness is but a festering sore, plaguing both mind and body.

As part of the human condition we have within us the strength and the fortitude to cleanse our mind of such harmful thoughts.  We alone must make the choice.  It becomes a matter of exercising our God-given will.

In full awareness of that which threatens our peace of mind, no less our very soul, we must move our thought process to a higher plane: to thoughts of love, of ourself and others and, of that which affords our greatest comfort, thoughts of God’s love.

It is no less important to bear in mind that our past, no matter its many twists and turns, is both the foundation and cornerstone of the present.  It is on this alone that we must build our life, that we may come to know peace within, and love our fellowman.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND—then your Diet ©

“… unwelcome thoughts of the past intruding upon the present.”

Recently I was driving past the Alexander Calhoun Library.  Saturdays long ago, Mom and I often found ourselves there.  I would select the many mystery books that she loved to read.  Sadness welled up inside of me that this could never be so again.  I silently said, ‘I love you mom,’ and the spell was broken.  blw

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Man in Nature ...

It is a matter of no little consequence to acknowledge that mankind, in company with all other animate creatures and the whole of nature, is not “a fortuitous concurrence of atoms.”(1)  Quite the opposite in fact, for such concurrence is governed by the immutable laws of nature; those of perfect harmony.  Were such a pristine state to obtain in our own life and in that of all mankind, ‘twould be life lived by the golden rule. 

Such not being the case, however, it is incumbent upon each one of us to reclaim the goodness and the love lost through life’s many travails, and to share a new-found sense of well-being with others.  It but requires an awareness of our present state, together with a sincere desire to change.

We begin our journey by refusing to allow mundane thoughts to linger in our mind, instead replacing them with thoughts of self-love, all the while looking for the good in others.  It is a wondrously transformative experience: one that reacquaints us with our own divine spirituality.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND—then your Diet ©
(1)H.P. Blavatsky “The Secret Doctrine,” Vol. 1, p.viii.

“reclaim the goodness and the love lost… awareness of our present state, together with a sincere desire to change.”

My dear friend and I met to share ‘ins-and-outs’ of her past week.  Having just returned from a Residential School conference, she shared a lot.  She is very aware that she has moved forward with her life.  There was JOY in her heart as she greeted and hugged friends from the past.  Anchored in faith and armed with spiritual tools she is a foundational rock for friends and family.  With her sincere desire to change she reclaims the goodness and the love lost. blw

(Week eight of my friend’s spiritual journey of conscious transformation…)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Love and Be Loved ...

Demonstrably a part of the human condition, we share with all others the need to love and to be loved.  Here, we speak not of a love likened to, and stemming from, the intemperate passions of the body, but of the love embeded within the soul; part and parcel of our very being: immortal, life-giving love.  This is the divine love that cannot be denied; love that forever sustains us.  To know it fully, we must first love ourself, that we may love and be loved.  It means going within to face up to that which gives rise to our disquiet.  In the end, as with all else in life, it is simply a matter of being honest with ourself.
Garry D. Kilbourn

Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND: Then your Diet ©

“… the need to love and to be loved.”

Listening to a radio program about story telling I thought about my weekend which was planned around meeting up with three friends, one-on-one.  Each meeting’s thread of commonality had a comfortable setting, friendship, story-telling and the need to love and to be loved. blw

Sunday, March 3, 2013

O The Mind ...

Harmony of mind, body and soul begins with the realization that it is the mind—the incessant workings of the mind—that governs our well-being.  Not a moment passes but that we may consciously choose our thoughts: they are ours to own and to act upon as we alone decide.  Not surprisingly, the operative word is “to act,” ever mindful that for good or ill, so go our thoughts.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND: Not your Diet ©

“Harmony of mind… governs our well-being.”    

“Stand porter at the door of thought,” a friend reminds me.  She paints an image of a robber knocking at the door of my mind to rob me of my harmony, joy and peace.  When I’m feeling doubtful, uneasy, sad, or judgmental I check in on my thoughts.  I ask myself what ‘belief’ did I let into my mind to allow me to think this way, to harm my well-being?   blw