Friday, November 23, 2012

The Art of Conversation ...

We experience a magic moment when, in all humility, we give our full attention to what another is saying; not only to hear what is being said, but that which is unsaid such that we come to sense the other’s true inner Being – the immortal soul.  In a mysteriously wondrous way a spiritual bond is forever forged.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Our Spiritual Eye ...

A life governed by the dictates of the world; one fraught with lingering emptiness and acute disquiet, is a life unacquainted with its own spiritual inner Being.
We are, without question, spiritual Beings. An apt definition of Spirit, affirmed in our own time, is that given by Samuel Johnson in his Dictionary of the English Language, published in April 1755, i.e., “Spirit is intellectual power distinct from the body.”

The term “intellectual power” used in this sense has to do with our innate capacity to sense by way of intuitive spiritual perception God’s presence: in essence, an enlightened intellect becoming our “spiritual eye.” Such enlightenment quiets the mind, affords a sense of deep inner peace and, most importantly, allows us to begin life anew secure in our own goodness and self-love.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND: Not your Diet ©

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Finding Our Way ...

We well know that ours is a uniquely personal journey; each in his own way midst the tumult of life. Even so, it is not a journey to be taken alone. We are by nature social Beings, driven to engage in relationships with others. And, not to be overlooked, we are first and foremost, spiritual Beings.
How to balance this trio of interdependent forces – and balance them we must – such that we achieve our own identity, is vital to our well-being, no less our purpose.

This Elysium process, whereby we enter into a state of perfect happiness, begins and ends by our going within and, in all humility, asking God to show us the Way.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND: Not your Diet ©

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Abiding Self-Worth ...

We are as nothing without love: love of ourself and love of others.  Love lies within the soul, the very core of our Being.  Left to lie dormant and unused, our capacity for love ever diminishes such that we become but an empty shadow of who we are meant to be. When taken up and used, love is that which reveals our humanity and gives reason for our Being.
Love – in reality a divine providence – is accessible through the twin character traits of selflessness and truthfulness.  These, in turn, require that, in all humility, we entrust ourself to God.  Thus may we quiet the turmoil of the mind to reveal the light of the soul and our divine spirituality.  And only thus may we know peace within, coupled with a deep and abiding sense of self-worth.

Garry D. Kilbourn
Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND: Not Your Diet© Spiritual Weight Loss by bwfaithministry

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Neither in word nor in deed should we be in haste.  There is no undoing that which is said or done when we speak without thinking or act impulsively: for good or ill, the die is cast.
We do ourself and others a disservice when we fail to take the time to think beforehand of the relevance or import of what we say or do.

Contemplation should ever be our companion.  By going within and coming to know ourself, our understanding and appreciation of others is immeasurably increased.

In conversing with another, our thoughts and our conduct should have less to do with us, and instead be given over to the other.  Words become meaningful, the encounter uplifting: a bond is formed, two lives enriched.

Garry D. Kilbourn