It is an idle, self-destructive, path to trod when we set out to compare ourself with another. Jealousy and envy cannot but arise to poison our thoughts and adversely affect behaviour.
We are simply not like any other. We each have our own identity and our own reason for being; that is to say, our own unique purpose in life. And it is one to celebrate.
There are some, to be sure, who intuitively know their destiny early in life. Others, no doubt the majority, encumbered by the vicissitudes of life, must each strive to find the truth.
How to know our purpose, to live a life fulfilled, is less a matter of the mind than one of going within to awaken the soul, thus to connect with our higher, spiritual, self. However hard and however long, it is its own reward.
Garry D. Kilbourn
“…when we set out to compare ourself with another…”
My first memory of comparing myself with another was at the age of seven. Mom and I had just moved to Penticton. We met a wonderful ‘Father Knows Best-type-family’ who took us under their loving-wing. Instead of feeling blessed, I compared us with them. Comparing did not end there. It has been a life full of comparisons… always under the veil of never feeling ‘enough’. With many thanks to *Positive Thinking and Meditation classes and nourishing myself with spiritual study and amazing friends, I celebrate an awakened soul. blw
*Brahma Kumaris | Calgary Centre
Suite 100, 206 10A Street NW, Calgary, AB, T2N 1W6, 403-209-2988
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John's email says, "My oh my Bonnie, have you hit on a nerve of mine. One of the slogans in the 12 Step Program is "Don't Compare". Knowing about that idea has not yet stopped me from comparing myself to everyone around me. This applies to anyone I happen to be with or anyone I hear about on the radio or read about or just bring to my mind. Of course, the vast majority of the time, I come up on the short side of the comparison. To add to this problem, even when I compare myself and find myself to be better off than another, that very realization itself makes me feel badly about feeling badly about myself. I do have a very long way to go in this regard. I know that living in comparison produces only pain for me but as I wrote before, knowing that does not seem to stop me. Another saying in 12 Step programs is that knowledge alone avails us nothing. So true."
Jess's email says, "How wonderful and helpful you are to people... especially me! I think I compare myself all the time?! I don't even know what I do... but i do remember comparing this dad in a movie just the other day and kind of being mad because my own dad never was anything like that! And I wish he was a little... even now! I can chalk it up to Hollywood blah... but it isn't because I know that there are dads like that! but no matter this is my lot, and I must be thankful for what I do have!"
Leslie's email says, "Thank you for this thought. My sister and I are having our morning coffee...and I shared this with her. It brings to mind how we were always comparing ourselves to others - I think as a result of our upbringing. We were frequently told "you can't do that, what would people think?" We're just now getting over that."
Megan's email says, "I spent my whole life comparing myself to others and always came up short. This is what has been my biggest problems over my life."
Sandra's email says, "I am not sure I thanked you before for sending me these Reflections. I really, really enjoy them. This one today is very special!!!!!"
Marlene's email says, "such amazing words of wisdom! So true, and so well explained how to move beyond the comparisons with others. Going within is truly the answer, and I will remember this when I start having doubts about my unique self."
Cathy's email says, "Just loved this one, Bon! Garry's reflection was simple but profound and I loved you "sharing" your past. I think us women do the comparison thing very well!! Thanks for the great reflection!"
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