Sunday, September 25, 2011

Midst all the worldly dross...

With God’s goodness comes the light of the soul; whence comes life itself.  Sheltered by this divine triumvirate of purity, we are thus ushered at birth into the curiously uncertain ways of the world.
Fate alone determines our home environ and upbringing, whether that of love or otherwise.  Human will and intuition, although present at birth, play but a minor role in our survival and well-being throughout infancy and early childhood.  Similarly, our capacity for reason is of little help early on, as this trait is a concomitant of developing maturity.  Thus, for better or worse, do we become prey in our formative years to all that befalls us.

Midst all the worldly dross that has come to veil our soul and threaten our spirituality, we ofttimes lose our way.  In the doing, we tend to forget God’s role in life.  Only when we reclaim our birthright, namely, God’s goodness and His love, will we as well reclaim our humanity.

Mindful contemplation, whereby thoughts of God’s divine love take us to a higher spiritual plane, enables us to love ourself and others.  Thus blessed, and in giving freely of ourself to others, are we healed and made well.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Thus, for better or worse, do we become prey in our formative years to all that befalls us.”
Knowing at an early age that I was adopted, set the wheels-in-motion for a life different from that of my peers.  My adoptive mom, God bless her, told me the story she was told… that my birth mom was from Scotland and I had a sister.  Adding to the wheels-in-motion, my adoptive parents divorced.  For many, many years I struggled with emotions I didn’t understand and behaviours I wasn’t proud of.  I had lost my way.  Years later… Garry and I found my birth-family of not one special sister but two, three wonderful brothers and their welcoming families!  God’s divine love has taken me to a higher spiritual plane…I am forever grateful!  blw
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Monday, September 19, 2011

"As above, so below..."

There comes to us a simple aphorism from out of the night of time which has the potential to forever change our life in a most wonderful way:  “As above, so below.”

That which is “above” (no less within and everywhere around us) is the mystical rhythm of the universe embodying all the forces of nature and of God.  Notwithstanding human conduct in general we are, each one of us, indisputably at one with God and nature.  Failing to acknowledge this redounds to our own lasting misfortune.

Man’s mortal mind is that which is “below”  in the sense that we long ago came to disown the purity of the divine soul as we hastened our downward spiral into the dissentious world of materialism.  How we may rectify that which we have torn asunder, to reclaim our senses and indeed our very humanity, becomes the question.

Mindful concentration of God’s love for all mankind, over time, will transport our earthly thoughts to a higher astral plane; one that unites our inner spiritual self with the transcendent forces of God and nature:  “As above, so below.”

Garry D. Kilbourn

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Thoughts of Self-Doubt Have No Place In The Mind...

As is ever the case in matters of personal well-being, the mind plays a pivotal role, that of hero or villain.

One such villainous thought known to take hold in the mind is self-doubt.  Along with this, a number of equally self-destructive correlative emotions are triggered, any or all of which serve to reinforce our weakened sense of self-confidence: discomfort; loss of composure; unworthiness; comparison with others.

Thoughts of self-doubt have no place in the mind.  At the very least, they are undeserving of consideration and should be dispelled.

A change of attitude is called for; one that confirms our own self-worth.  Reason alone points the way: In a state of absolute repose we consciously turn the mind to thoughts of self-love and love of others.  Ever-lurking negative thoughts are put to rout, our self-respect renewed.  And, not least, our innately God-given goodness is affirmed.

When all is said and done, changing our outlook for the better is a matter of personal choice; that of a blessing.

Garry D. Kilbourn
“Thoughts of self-doubt have no place in the mind…”
A self-doubt-trigger for me was “comparison with others.”  All my life I felt that I didn’t belong…a feeling sort of like “coming from the wrong side of the tracks.”  I looked to everyone for my worthiness.  Thankfully, classes at the Brahma Kumaris Centre taught me that the answer was to take the journey within. This is where the battle is won.  A life lived in peace, without self-doubt is the perfect choice blw

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Reclaim Purity and Peace...

A universal awakening is called for to resuscitate mankind’s soul.  That it can only be done one soul at a time is enough to hope for.

We are, each one of us, the children of God: He lives in us and we in Him.  God’s goodness and love are at one in our immortal soul, that which gives rise to our spirituality.

From our very conception we are blessed with the potential to manifest God’s divine gifts, those which define our humanity.  Fate, however, would have it otherwise, allowing worldly forces to intrude from the outset: forces both good and evil.

Though not always, still, all too often, the ways of the world tend to veil the soul, obscuring that which is most precious within us—the spiritual guiding light of God.  Materialism comes to define who and what we are, drawing us ever farther from our God-given humanity.  Uncertain of our purpose in life, confusion and unhappiness rein within: Morally and spiritually, we have lost our way.

Only by going within and, in all honesty, learn to love ourselves and others, may we reclaim the purity of our birthright and know the harmony of inner peace.


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Sunday, September 11, 2011


Just as we feel the need to confide in a trusted friend, so it is when we talk with God in prayer.  There is this difference though: We are at one with God, and ever will be.  It thus behooves us to keep God in the forefront of our mind, knowing that He lives in us and we live in Him.

That God knows our every thought need come as no surprise, although our awareness of it tends to foster a more intimate relationship.  We find it both easy and comforting to say a simple “Thank you, God” as we go about our daily business.  We find too that when we have meaningful conversation with God our relationship is affirmed and made whole.

Whenever we feel the need to spend time alone with God in prayer, our selfless faith alone affords us the understanding to know that whatever we ask of God is at once asking the same of ourself.  We are, quite simply, part of the solution and must expect to play an active role.  Empowered by faith and suffused with His divine presence, we can but ask of God His ever-abiding goodness and wondrous love for all.

Garry D. Kilbourn

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Harmony of Being...

The wondrously divine force within us—that which we know to be God—is at one with the mystic force governing all of nature and the universe.  Human behaviour notwithstanding, we are in every sense a part of this whole.  Thus are we subject, like all else, to the so-called “laws of nature,” that is to say, laws ordained by God.
That we may do honour to this relationship, to become one with God and nature, we must first realize harmony of being—to become sound of mind, body and soul: that of coming to know thyself.

Garry D. Kilbourn               

“…harmony of being…”
This past Wednesday evening I attended an Annual Labyrinth Walk for Peace at FCJ Christian Life Centre.  Sixteen stepped out in mindful meditation, one slowly following the other into the centre of  the labyrinth and out again.  We prayed for ourselves, families, friends, strangers…..and the world.  For me, this was “harmony of being.”   blw
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Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Neither in word nor in deed should we be in haste.  There is no undoing that which is said or done when we speak without thinking or act impulsively: for good or ill, the die is cast.
We do ourself and others a disservice when we fail to take the time to think beforehand of the relevance or import of what we say or do.

Contemplation should ever be our companion.  By going within and coming to know ourself, our understanding and appreciation of others is immeasurably increased.

In conversing with another, our thoughts and our conduct should have less to do with us, and instead be given over to the other.  Words become meaningful, the encounter uplifting: a bond is formed, two lives enriched.

Garry D. Kilbourn

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Look at each relationship as if it’s the only opportunity you’ll ever have to
act the way God wants you to act.

This alone can change everything in your life in a positive way.

Excerpt from CHANGE YOUR MIND and
by Karen Casey

Monday, September 5, 2011

Worldly Brotherhood...

Time and again, in every area of human endeavour, history shows it is but a few who, for good or ill, initiate momentous change.  Thus evermore will it be.  Thus too is it essential for mankind that good prevail.
We, in this time and of this age, are society’s custodian and its moral conscience.  Hence, it is we, each one of us individually, who must embrace goodness—the embodiment of moral excellence—in behalf of our fellowman.  In doing so we are not asking of ourselves anything that we would not otherwise aspire to:  We are but living our life after that of Jesus of Nazareth by answering his moral imperative to “love thy neighbour as thyself.”  Only thus may we foster *worldly brotherhood.

Garry D. Kilbourn

*The Golden Rule is the most universal guide human beings have for their ethical journey; it is found in one form or another in all the major cultures and religions.  Beatitudes for the Workplace by Max Oliva SJ

“…it is we, each one of us individually, who must embrace goodness…”
This rings true whether I’m with friends at Brahma Kumaris Meditation, Grace Presbyterian-Evening Grace, FCJ Christian Life Centre, or Christian Science Healing Service.  The same may be said for my visits to the nursing home or at anytime where “two or more are gathered.”  blw

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Foundation and Cornerstone...

We are all only too familiar with the discomfort of unwelcome thoughts of the 'past' intruding upon the present.  Such thoughts serve no purpose, and must not be allowed to take hold in the mind.  Their very presence in our consciousness is but a festering sore, plaguing both mind and body.

As part of the human condition we have within us the strength and the fortitude to cleanse our mind of such harmful thoughts.  We alone must make the choice.  It becomes a matter of exercising our God-given will.

In full awareness of that which threatens our peace of mind, no less our very soul, we must move our thought process to a higher plane: to thoughts of love, of ourself and others and, of that which affords our greatest comfort, thoughts of God’s love.

It is no less important to bear in mind that our past, no matter its many twists and turns, is both the foundation and cornerstone of the present.  It is on this alone that we must build our life, that we may come to know peace within, and love our fellowman.

Garry D. Kilbourn

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

"Carefree" Life...

We may forgive ourselves were we to fantasize about a carefree life, knowing all the while ‘tis but a fantasy.  Life, as we know all too well, is anything but carefree.  In truth, life is an ofttimes tortuous path strewn with mistake and misfortune.  The trick is to not let things get out of hand.
Whether self-imposed or otherwise, life’s problems have to be faced up to and dealt with.  Denial is not a solution.  Relief will only come if we:  1) quiet the turmoil of the mind and acknowledge responsibility;  2) let go of conscious thoughts and mentally step away from the problem;   3) with a clear mind, allow the initial steps for a solution to take hold, being careful not to force the issue;  4) Look for the ever-present sunshine, confident in the knowledge that no problem is insurmountable;  5) fear not to confide in a trustworthy friend, being mindful that two heads are ofttimes better than one;  6) await resolution of the problem, to be revealed in a state of quietude;  7) Give thanks!

Garry D. Kilbourn               

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Who We Are...

As though it were the natural order of things, we regularly go about our business in ways that give us little time to reflect on who we are. 

There comes a time though, whether as a result of outside forces in our life or those that well up from within, we are forced to confront this question.  In doing so, we have the opportunity to go within, to probe our consciousness and spirituality, intent on finding our true self. 

An unwavering belief in our own innate goodness is essential, as it serves to uplift our spirits and strengthen our conviction.  Humility and stoical honesty, we come to learn, are necessary complements if we are to find that which we have so longed for.
Garry D. Kilbourn               

“There comes a time”…
For me, my thinking was mostly critical and negative, my drinking ruined yet another special occasion, I was never honest with myself, and not least, my eating disorder was in control of my life, etc., etc.  I had to look at my ‘self’ and change my thoughts and actions so I could change my life!  blw
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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Changing Our Life For The Better...

To simply accept that which daily befalls us, believing this to be our fate, is to resign ourselves to a life offering little hope and even less happiness.  History, no less our own spiritual intuition, shows us a better way.

Changing our life for the better means changing our thinking, our attitude and, as well, our routine.  Like all things in life worthwhile, personal enlightenment, both intellectual and spiritual, requires commitment and discipline.

Time must be set aside for daily meditation and reflection.  Meditation means putting conscious thought from the mind such that we become unaware of our own physicality, thus achieving a state of spiritual transcendence: able to sense God’s presence.  Reflection, whereby we but give thanks to God throughout the day, serves to reinforce the benefits of meditation.

Regular adherence to this routine, enforced by thoughts of love for oneself and others, results in spiritual enlightenment: we at once come to know ourself and become one with God.

Garry D. Kilbourn               

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