Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Love for Humanity...

That we may become one with God, to manifest His goodness and His love, we are told to love our neighbour and our enemy. (Matthew 5: 43-44KJV)  Taken literally, this admonition may not easily be reconciled with our own sympathies.

When considering what was said, it is essential to bear in mind that Jesus of Nazareth, a most learned and remarkable man, and the one who spoke these words, consistently phrased his teaching in the form of parables, such being figurative speech not meant to be taken literally.

If we are to properly understand Jesus’ true meaning in this instance, we must first go to the word “love,” this being his oft-repeated message to all mankind.  To “love our neighbour and our enemy” is but metaphor for “humanity,” or all mankind.  In short, we are being asked to do that which we already know—to unselfishly love our fellow beings.

Garry D. Kilbourn               

Email  Healing Circle registration

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reawakening of The Soul

That we are known by our words and deeds is an oft-quoted truism: one not to be taken lightly.  Our morals, our principles and our philosophy of life are all rooted in truth and right conduct.  These principles shape our character and determine who we are.

Character traits are not alone determined by a process of the mind exercising reason and will.  There is another element, that of our own spirituality which greatly influences our state of consciousness.  Spirituality, we know to be an effusion of the soul, the final determinant of who we are.

A reawakening of the soul, which for too long has been veiled by mankind’s unhealthy obsession with materialism, is fundamental to our well-being.  Such reawakening, which in turn begets fellowship with God, can only be made possible through purposeful meditation/reflection—love for oneself and others its enduring tenet.

Garry D. Kilbourn               

Email  Healing Circle registration

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ever-Present Spiritual Guide...

We are, each one of us, the temple of God in whom we live as He lives in us: He is our immortal soul and ever-present spiritual guide.
We may not yet be at a place in life where we have shed our inner demons and can freely acknowledge God’s presence, but we sense it.  His very presence provokes a longing within us that cannot be quelled; one that becomes an overwhelming need to know God personally.

We come to know God and to commune with Him through faith, whereby we invite His divine presence: an effusion of love that irrevocably transforms us to reveal our noblest nature and spiritual intuition.

Garry D. Kilbourn               

Email  Healing Circle registration

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Moral Character

Our very well-being, physically and spiritually, depends in no small part upon our moral character relating to right and wrong.  Only by making those choices we know to be right, based on reason and intuition, do we realize our humanity.  In and of itself, there is nothing finer.

There lies in this, however, an inherent danger: In such a state of personal comfort we tend to become complacent.  The plight of our fellowman is obscured by thoughts of our own self-interest.  It is for this very reason that we must rise above our complacency to be ever-conscious of the needs of others.

Not everyone, to be sure, falls prey to this state of self-interest.  Those who freely render help and understanding to others would be the first to affirm that, individually, we can make a difference in the lives of others.  How much greater, though, would be our reach and how much more life-changing to those suffering and in need were we to come together and adhere to Mme. H.P. Blavatsky’s dictum as stated in Vol.3, p.262, of her “Secret Doctrine”: “The first and fundamental principle of moral strength and power is association and solidarity of thought and purpose.”

Garry D. Kilbourn               

Email  Healing Circle registration

Saturday, August 27, 2011


The quality of goodness and the human soul are of a piece in that both exist as one: they are the inseparable essence of our being.  Were this to be acknowledged and kept foremost in our consciousness, goodness would ever be our guiding light.

As fate would have it, goodness in itself can be perceived for what it is.  Not so with the soul, whose divine spiritual presence can only be sensed and made known through goodness.  Clearly, not only are goodness and soul of a piece, they are interdependent.

A goodness-filled life frees the soul to manifest God’s enduring love.

Garry D. Kilbourn                 

Email  Healing Circle registration

Friday, August 26, 2011

Know Thyself...

“twoud be few not familiar with that age old aphorism, “Know Thyself” and as well, understand that this is not something to be dismissed out of hand.  By the same token, it is a somewhat vague expression; one requiring time and effort were we to delve into the deep recesses of our consciousness to reveal our true childlike self.  Even worse, should such a thought perchance occur to us, we more than likely put it aside, in the mistaken belief that there are other, more important things that need doing.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

From a time predating that of Jesus of Nazareth and up to today, mankind has striven to transcend ordinary human knowledge, spiritually compelled to know its higher, or true, self.

That which has ever been taught to enable such Elysium is that which obtains to this day, namely, deep and purposeful meditation/reflection.  Only this, practiced regularly in absolute repose with thoughts of love for our self and others, will free us from worldly thoughts and take us to a higher plane of spiritual intuition and insight; one that allows us to know that God lives in us and we live in Him.  Thus do we know ourselves.

Garry D. Kilbourn               

Email  Healing Circle registration

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Nurture the Soul...

One way I nurture my soul is by attending Evening Grace with Sister Darlene, FCJ, and Alice.  This is a time of quiet worship, healing prayer and gospel reflection in The Chapel, Grace Presbyterian Church.  We are always blessed with friendships old and new and the soul-stirring gift of music. blw

Take the time to think about your “inner being;” that which is not of the flesh, but is the very essence of our being—the immortal soul.

Whether we like to think about it or not, our soul, which in turn gives rise to our spirituality, plays an important role, nay, the most important role in our well-being.  Even so, we too often fail to nurture the soul, that it might play its proper role in our life.  Worse still, to the extent that we do think about the soul, we tend to assuage our conscience by shunting such thoughts aside, to a place out of sight and out of mind.  We may be certain, however, that neglect of the soul, in whatever form, is at our own peril.

Begin by putting wasteful thoughts aside with thoughts of God’s abiding love, for where your mind is, therein lies your treasure.  With this new-found heart of love, begin by sharing with others the blessings you’ve been given.  Enriching the lives of others is, in itself, its own reward.

Garry D. Kilbourn                 

Email  Healing Circle registration

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I Got My Invitation

I got my invitation
In a spiritual way
God asks to be remembered
And to love Him every day.

The letter came this morning
At the dawning of the day
Yes, He asked to be remembered
And to love Him every day.

I got my invitation
In a spiritual way
God asks to be remembered
And to love Him every day.

‘Tis easy to remember Him
And love Him every day
Thank you God for loving me
And teaching me to pray.

I got my invitation
In a spiritual way
God asks to be remembered
And to love Him every day.


Peace of Mind...

PEACE OF MIND and a sense of well-being are conditions essential to an enlightened soul.  To our own misfortune, however, no less that of others, what with our insatiable pursuit of things material, few know such contentment.

Nothing short of an about-face is required if we are to break this addiction to worldly matters, while at once awakening the need to nourish the soul.

Begin by being true to yourself and to others, knowing that each day you have done your best.  Love yourself, that you may love others.  Only thus may we embrace our own divine spirituality.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Email Healing Circle registration

Friday, August 12, 2011


We live as though we can’t help how we think.  But we can.  The negative thoughts we have were created by us; they are nurtured by us and can only be changed by us.  There is only one thing standing in the way of making this change: ourselves.

Excerpt from Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow by Karen Casey

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

As We Search for Meaning...

As we search for meaning and fulfillment in life, reason and intuition show us the way.  Reason, while vital to our well-being, must at times give way to an even higher power, that of intuition.  The latter, our elusive sixth sense, takes us out of physical consciousness into the realm of our own divine spirituality.

While at rest, in complete repose, we turn our thoughts to God’s all-encompassing love such that we lose awareness of “the self.”  We come to sense God’s presence through an aura of love that suffuses our very being.  Life’s purpose becomes clear—that of giving freely of ourselves to others, all the while manifesting God’s wondrous love.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Email Healing Circle registration

Monday, August 8, 2011

We Can Change!

None of us, it must be said, is held captive to our present state in life.  We are, each of us, divinely spiritual souls possessed with intelligence and will.  Thus are we able to control the ceaseless workings of the mind, the source of all that bedevils us and all that sets us free.

We can change, no matter our state of mind, no matter our personal circumstance.  True change, that which endures and uplifts the soul, is none other than a spiritual awakening, a process of freeing the mind of worldly thoughts to become one with God.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Email Healing Circle registration

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Moral Compass...

It is our moral responsibility to be true to ourselves and to others.  Just as it is good for the soul when we look for the goodness in others.

Giving freely of ourselves refreshes the soul and allows us to love our fellow-man: A prerequisite being that we free ourselves of judging others.

Our moral compass, no less our instinct, compels us to do unto others that which we would have them do unto us.

There are, in truth, but a few guideposts to follow if we are to achieve and maintain a balance in life.  That which starts us on our journey is to reign-in the mind.  Because we have allowed our lives to be governed by worldly matters we have neglected the immortal soul: that which gives rise to our own spirituality. Reclaiming our divine goodness means quieting the mind, allowing the soul to soar: life no less so.

Garry D. Kilbourn

Email Healing Circle registration

Monday, August 1, 2011

A Love That Forever Purifies & Heals The Soul

Lost in a daydream, we know what it is to lose all sense of body consciousness, our mind freed of worldly woe.  Our reverie, if only for a moment, takes us to a higher place.  

It is just such a state that we long for as we quiet our mind in silent prayer to allow God’s presence to suffuse our very being with His love.  Only by thus losing ourselves in God, our mind one with His, can we touch others with His love: A love that forever purifies and heals the soul.

Garry D. Kilbourn               

Email  Healing Circle registration