Wednesday, March 16, 2011

That Which We Call Time...

That which we call TIME connotes something measured or definite, not least as it relates to our earthly habitat.

TIME is an intangible, a product of reason leaving an impression-on-the-mind. Time does not stand alone, neither still, but is conjoined to that which we call PLACE.

Time and place being one, we determine time by way of solar observation relative to our place.

Time is a multicoloured beast: At one time given little or no value and thus wasted.  At another it is treated as a commodity, something of value to be traded.  And, not least, it is ofttimes used to advance our knowledge and, in contemplation, to enrich the soul.

It is well we recognize sooner than later in life that time, for each of us, if FINITE.  No less is it desirable that we early on become cognizant of the fact time is ours alone to do with what we will. 

Are we, through indolence, to become a wastrel?

Or, are we to apply ourself to study, making the most of our time, in order that we may both enrich our own life and that of others? 

Whatever the course, life becomes that which we will it to be.

Garry Kilbourn


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