Life really is free and easy...
It is MY thinking that is difficult, limited..., or not good enough. If I OPEN MYSELF to UNLEARNING some of my limited-thinking-patterns and learning something NEW, then I can GROW and CHANGE.
Or do I already know-it-all? The trouble with knowing it all is that I dont't get-to-grow, and nothing NEW can come in. Do I really accept that there's a Power and an Intelligence greater than I am? Or do I think I'm the-whole-thing?
If I think I'm it, then of course (I limit myself). If I realize that there's a Power and an Intelligence in this Universe far greater and brighter than I am, and which is on-my-side, then I can move into that mental space where LIFE CAN OPERATE FREELY AND EASILY.
Excerpt from Meditations to Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay (pg 73)
From Mary's e-mail: Learning is living and that certainly expands one's horizons. Thank you for sharing more words of wisdom which helps to free one from limited thinking and opens the door to learn something new and thus blossom forth into full bloom!!
From Marlene's e-mail: I passed this on to my Mom as she loves Louise Hay. Expanding Horizons -perfect! It always seems exactly what I need to hear!
From Laina's e-mail: I love what she says about being a know-it-all in that passage. If you already know it all, then you can't let anything new in. Thank you for that reminder :)
From San's e-mail: I absolutly love Louise Hay, I am currently reading the power within, and i truly find her amazing.
From Ginny's e-mail: Lovely meditation. I hope that I will always grow. I know there is a power and intelligence greater than I.
From Shirley's e-mail: Of course, my belief is that you must surrender yourself totally, and that God is the person who has the ultimate say in the outcome of our lives. That does not mean that He expects us to give up our free will, which allows us to learn and experience new and exciting things. He also expects us to always be perfecting the person we should be in life through reading and living, and that hopefully, we learn every day by NOT doing the things that we have found to be destructive in our lives! He also expects us to enjoy our surroundings and all things of beauty.
From Lynda's e-mail: Love the Louise Hays reflections.
From Rani's e-mail: Thanks for always reminding us of what are really capable of.
From Nancy's e-mail: Louise Hay makes it sound so simple that when one reads her writings it all makes sense, and we "know" it - we just have to be reminded! How soon we forget! It is so easy to stay in our comfort zone and normally it is an effort to take the leap! :-) Happily, travel provides me with the adventure of completely being taken out of this zone.
From Kathy's e-mail: i find it interesting how a theme is repeated over and over in my life when i am open to growth. i like the part about God who is on our side. i think the churches i grew up in usually portrayed God as being angry or disappointed in us which has stifled so many people from being FREE. it is good to get the truth out God really is on our side and loves us.
From Rick's e-mail: I enjoy these reflections - sort of like a nice cool breeze on a hot day.
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