- WHEN YOU GIVE, you open the door to receive more...
- Don't ask WHY? learn to ask what the LESSON is...
- Instead of complaining about a problem or circumstance, THANK IT for being there...
- GOD, help me to laugh, cry, love, be aware and be thankful with all my heart for every moment and each experience that I've been given. Thank you for my LIFE...
- GOD, thank you for the past. Help me LET GO with GRATITUDE, so that I can live more fully and joyfully now...
- Feel good about doing your part in helping YOURSELF...
- It's difficult to feel bad when we're feeling GRATEFUL...
- Find the GRATITUDE in your life, and you'll find JOY STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO YOU...
- Comparison is JUDGMENTAL...instead of deciding if a situation is good or not so, just be THANKFUL for it---the way it is...
- GOD, help me use the powerful remedy of GRATITUDE as a tool for DAILY TRANSFORMATION in my life...
- Don't get angry when the time comes in your life to let someone or something GO. OPEN your heart to that person, place, or thing, and say, "Thanks for teaching me to love and helping me to grow." Then LET GO, without resentment in your heart...
- GOD, help me LET GO of my expectations and DELIGHT IN WHAT IS...
GRATITUDE Inspirations by Melody Beattie, Author of The Language of Letting Go
Email blwoodard@shaw.ca
Comments received from emails:
o Thanks a bunch for the lovely message on gratitude...it came at just the right time!
o Thank you for sharing one of the greatest gifts, 'Gratitude,' which is love in action!
o Mom always says, "Have an attitude of gratitude!" so true!
From E-mail: "Yes, gratitude is definitely one of the key things about being happy and content. Have you read Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach? A lovely book about daily gratitude." W.B.
From E-mail: "This reflection is really good and really thought provoking. Thanks so much." L.B.
From E-mail: "This is what I wrote in my BOOK: "We will always have to be told, again and again, that God loves us." M.J.
From E-mail: "Thanks Bonnie...I needed that one!" D.N.
From E-mail: "Well,....now we've obviously both surpassed our 40th & I'm soon to hit my 50th. Who would have ever predicted that we would be where we are today, let alone the friends that we are today. Yes, I too, am grateful." S.D.
From E-mail: "This is really good. And worth reading several times!" M.C.
From E-mail: "Each day is a gift with wonderful things happening. And the wonderful happening today is receiving your joyous gratitude message. When we are truly grateful for all the blessings, all the good already received, then we are ready to receive more--blessings upon blessings, they just multiply!! This is keeping with the opening sentence of your excerpt on 'Gratitude,' "When you learn to give, you open the door to receive more." M.B.
Thank you for sharing one of the greatest gifts--'GRATITUDE,' which is love in action!
From E-mail: "Thanks a bunch for the lovely message on gratitude...it came at just the right time." M.D.
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