DO YOU remember finally start to 'BE' yourself again after a knock-out punch from the flu or an injury. Do you silently, almost unknowingly say, THANK YOU! because you are so relieved you've's almost OVER!
THEN, AS YOU HEAL, do you sense a feeling of humble-ness take hold? Do you seem to be moving at a slower pace? Do you start listening to your others...intently? Do you feel a deeper sensitivity for life around you?
COULD IT BE we are, at this moment-in-time, feeling VULNERABLE to life itself? Could it be we've been touched by our divine-ness...that our HOLY SPIRIT is urging us to BE, just BE? To be quiet, to listen, to reflect; to be open to love of self and of other; to be, simply, BE-NESS.
Oh, to remain HUMBLE and VULNERABLE and just BE.
"...the divine self perceived by Self" The Secret Doctrine, Vol.I by H.P. Blavatsky
Email -- I'd love to hear from you!
From E-mail: "That's lovely! I try BE-NESS twice a day." M.J.
From E-mail: "Simply quite lovely!" W.B.
From E-mail: "...thats just the way i felt this week after having my skin cancer (benign) removed.....making me want to get healthier so i never have to go through that explained my divine-ness while the Holy Spirit takes hold...ty and thank God for the little and big things in my life." J-M C.
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