Monday, December 27, 2010








Wednesday, December 22, 2010


And yet, O present moment!  Knowest thou not that thou hast no parent, nor canst thou have a child; that thou art ever begetting but thyself?  Before thou hast even begun to say 'I am the progeny of the departed moment, the child of the past,' thou hast become that past itself.  Before thou utterest the last syllable, behold!  Thou art no more the Present but verily that Future.  Thus, are the Past, the Present, and the Future, the ever-living trinity in one---The Absolute IS."  pg 446

H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine


Saturday, December 18, 2010


with his GRINCH-FEET ice cold in the snow,
stood puZZling and puZZling, how could it be so?

It came without ribbons.
It came without tags.
It came without packages, boxes or bags.

And he puZZled and puZZled 'till his puZZler was sore.
Then the GRINCH thought of something he hadn't before.

WHAT IF Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store.
WHAT IF Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.

Dr. Seuss

May today there be PEACE within.
May you TRUST that YOU are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the INFINITE possibilities that
are born of FAITH in yourself and others.
May you use the GIFTS that you have received, and
pass on the LOVE that has been given to you.
May you be CONTENT with yourself just the way you are.
Let this KNOWLEDGE settle into your bones, and allow your SOUL the FREEDOM
 to Sing, Dance, Praise and Love.


A prayer so touching and loving and caring....
my dear friend is including
it in every card she makes for her family and friends!!
THERE IS ONE ETERNAL LAW IN NATURE, one that always tends to adjust contraries and to produce final harmony.

It is owing to this Law of spiritual development superseding the physical and purely intellectual, that mankind will become freed from its false gods, and find itself finally---SELF-REDEEMED.

THE SECRET DOCTRINE, pg 420, by H.P. Blavatsky


Saturday, December 4, 2010


MAKOM ("space" or "place" in Hebrew), a congregation that blends hipsterism and traditional Jewish orthodoxy, is REJUVENATING the area around Kensington Market.

THEY OFFER SEMINARS on urban homesteading, jam and chocolate making, beer brewing, composting, canning--all topics that appeal to a certain kind of progressive 20-to-45-year-old demographic.  Makom's founder, Rabbi Aaron Levy, describes his congregation as a mix of young professionals, social-justice workers, artists and academics.  Many are descended from families who moved out of the area 40 or 50 years ago. "Our programming is reflective of a downtown ethic: open-minded, politically progressive, diverse, inclusive, artistic, active," ...Jane Jacob devotees... "We think, like Jane Jacobs said, that new ideas need old buildings," Mr.Levy said.

"I THINK THE YOUNG PEOPLE ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING. They don't find it in the shopping centres of the suburbs," said David Pinkus, the 86-year-old president of Bellevue Avenue's Kiever Synagogue.

THE DOWNTOWN CORE has the highest proportion of 25-to-44-year-olds in the city, the young people who form families and act as catalysts in a community.


Email  Spirituality is as diverse as the community it thrives in. BW

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Doris McCarthy, revered landscape painter, died November 25, four months after celebrating her 100th birthday --- born in Calgary on July 7, 1910.

"I have painted in every province in Canada, on purpose, because when I was 16, Arthur Lismer inspired me with the ambition to be a great painter of Canada, and I have been working at that goal ever since," she told The Globe in 2002.

Doris McCarthy had her own style. Deeply spiritual, she saw God everywhere, and her joyous expression of the forms that inspired her is what invites viewers into her world.  She is also known for her liturgical art which includes the magnificent nativity creche she carved for St. Aiden's in the Beach, the Anglican church in which she was a lifelong member.

Art critic Sarah Milroy observed Doris as a woman utterly at ease with who she is, and with the life she has led (2004 profile).  Doris McCarthy became one of the oldest graduates of the University of Toronto's Scarborough Campus when she received her honours degree at age 79. She received the Order of Ontario and Order of Canada.

HER MANTRA WAS THE WORD "YES" she herself wrote: "I love the world. I love nature. I love creation. I love life."

by Paula Citron, THE GLOBE AND MAIL, Saturday, November 27, 2010

Email  --  Doris McCarthy, what an inspiration!!  Do you have a story to share??

Friday, November 26, 2010


DO YOU remember finally start to 'BE' yourself again after a knock-out punch from the flu or an injury. Do you silently, almost unknowingly say, THANK YOU! because you are so relieved you've's almost OVER!

THEN, AS YOU HEAL, do you sense a feeling of humble-ness take hold?  Do you seem to be moving at a slower pace?  Do you start listening to your others...intently?  Do you feel a deeper sensitivity for life around you?

COULD IT BE we are, at this moment-in-time, feeling VULNERABLE to life itself?  Could it be we've been touched by our divine-ness...that our HOLY SPIRIT is urging us to BE, just BE? To be quiet, to listen, to reflect; to be open to love of self and of other; to be, simply, BE-NESS.

Oh, to remain HUMBLE and VULNERABLE and just BE.


"...the divine self perceived by Self" The Secret Doctrine, Vol.I  by  H.P. Blavatsky

Email -- I'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

LEST WE FORGET...In 2008 and 2009 I purchased Poppies from the same gentle-man, a Veteran, all decorated with medals.  He pinned on my Poppy as tears, mixed with pride and sorrow, welled up in my eyes.


In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.

by John McCrae

THE FIRST WORLD WAR was to be the war that ended all wars. European hostilities officially paused at 11a.m. on the 11th of November 1918. Starting in 1919, countries around the world have paused for a minute of silence to remember those who have sacrificed themselves for our freedom. The 11th of November was originally called ARMISTICE DAY but was changed to REMEMBRANCE DAY after the Second World War.  (excerpt from THE COLUMBIA VALLEY PIONEER, by Howard Williams, Royal Canadian Legion Branch #71)

"LEAVE THE STREETS BEHIND" Toronto Homeless Veterans Project (24/09/2010)...Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) Ontario Region (Toronto Sunnybrook Office), in partnership with The Royal Canadian Legion (RCL), Ontario Command, and the GOOD SHEPHERD MINISTRIES, have initiated a HOMELESS VETERANS PROJECT in Toronto.

PATRICK STOGRAN, Veterans Ombudsman prods Canadians over Afghanistan...
"...With combat operations slated to wind down next July, Thursday could be the last war-time REMEMBRANCE DAY for years to come. Nov. 11, the date the Armistice took effect in 1918 to end the slaughter of the First World War, was originally meant as a day of reflection. That kind of soul-searching should not be passed off lightly this year as the country makes the transition from war to self-imposed peace, Mr. Stogran said. He said ordinary citizens and political leaders should think seriously about how and when they commit soldiers to war and ask themselves why Canada was in Afghanistan in the first place..." by Murray Brewster OTTAWA The Canadian Press

THE STORY OF THE OLD VETERAN ON THE $10 BILL...he was born in England. He was one of the 400,000 members of the British Expeditionary Force and served in Dunkirk, North Africa and Italy. It was in Italy that he met his future wife at a Canadian hospital. After the war they settled in Chatham Ontario, retired to Ottawa. At the age of 80 he wrote a book about his experiences. One day he received a call from a government official asking him to go downtown for a photo op. His daughter said that he had no idea he would be on the $10 billRobert Metcalfe is his name. He died this year at the age of 90. (Wally, thank you for this story!) -- shared stories make our lives more meaningful !!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Programs 209-2988 (403) -- email and share your story.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Programs 209-2988 (403) -- email and share your spiritual journey

Monday, November 1, 2010


FOR EVERY HABIT WE HAVE, for every experience we go through over and over, for every pattern we repeat, there is a NEED WITHIN US for it.  The need corresponds to some BELIEF we have. If there were not a need, we wouldn't HAVE IT, DO IT, OR BE IT.

THERE IS SOMETHING WITHIN US THAT NEEDS the fat, the poor relationships, the failures, the anger, the poverty, the abuse, or whatever there is that's a problem for us...

WORK ON THE WILLINGNESS TO RELEASE THE NEEDWhen the need is gone, you will have NO DESIRE for the illness, or the overeating or the negative pattern.

TO BATTLE ONLY THE OUTER EFFECT or symptom is WASTED ENERGY and often increases the problem.

excerpt from You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay

"The willingness to release the NEED..." rang true for me as I read this section over and over.  Release the need...I asked myself  WHY??  do I STILL carry my NEGATIVE PATTERNS, my BELIEFS after ALL these years.  I can CHANGE MY PERSPECTIVE, MY BELIEFS...I AM FINALLY WILLING TO LET THEM GO...I DON'T NEED THEM ANYMORE!! -- share your story so others may benefit !!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

                  every step with...COURAGE
                           every WORD with...LOVE !!!.

                         As YOU change...the WORLD changes!

Programs 209-2988 (403) -- Share your story!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


"I believe I can relate to this book! I also love my grandmother (mum's mum) who passed away 12 years ago, but before leaving she gave me her spiritual bangle and it has been on me ever since :)  Even though I was only 6 years old when she passed away, I still believe I have a really deep connection with her!"  from Sannia

SANNIA, thank you very much for sharing precious memories of your Grandmother...our memories are just a loving-thought away!  What a blessing!!
Bonnie Woodard

Email -- share your story!

Monday, October 18, 2010

 LEARNING how to FORGIVE YOURSELF is a better use of your time." Brahma Kumaris

FORGIVING my SELF is a delightful new exercise for me.  I enjoy how I feel while practicing "forgiving" my SELF instead of my old journey, choosing to feel guilty!
Bonnie Woodard

Programs 209-2988 (403) -- share your story so others may come to know how your life changed when you finally came to accept your SELF.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blessings of Faith...strengthens me!

I BELIEVED I HAD OVERCOME letting my mind take me on a journey of negative-wasteful thoughts…the ones that go round-and-round, getting bigger and bigger, and causing your whole being to doubt itself. The last few days I witnessed my thoughts undoing lessons learned in recent "positive thinking and stress-free living" classes.  Old habits die hard. Transformation takes mind-work to get at the root of "why" past-life-defeating-habits are allowed to continue their destructive ways.

I've learned MY THOUGHTS are the cause of everything. I've learned I shouldn't presume to know what someone else's thoughts are, and you can't change can only change your SELF. I went within my SELF to do the work of positive inner talk and listen for that still, small voice within me. I heard, “do not lean to your own understanding.” Over and over I heard this phrase, believed it, and was truly blessed. I felt PEACEFULNESS relax my mind, my body and my soul.

I'VE LEARNED, if you override the gift of intuition...the still, small voice within you, and allow yourself to keep taking back the doubt, the worry, the negativity...eventually you won’t hear God whispering, "I give you my peace, I leave you my peace."

WHEN I do the work of positive SELF talk, thoughts change.
WHEN I strengthen my mind, my thoughts, and how I see and CHANGES!

SURROUND yourself with good friends and FEED your mind with uplifting word and music!

Bonnie Woodard

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization  209-2988 (403)

Email -- share your story so others may come to know how your life changed when you finally came to accept your SELF.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

CONTINUING WITH MEMORIES...after reading the Thanksgiving story, Nancy wrote: 

I love the mom’s good dishes story – reminds me of after my mother who passed away in 1974 and when my sisters and I were going over her belongings I wanted to have and wear a fine wool scarf that was my mom’s favourite scarf (she wore it often) that I had purchased for her on one of her birthdays. Every time I wore it, I could smell and feel my dear mother’s presence and felt closer to her especially the first year after she passed awayit comforted me when I needed it most.  (from Nancy, Timmins ON)

Memory is amazing...a fragrance, a song, a place...can transport our whole being back to the time when...!   Nancy, thank you for sharing this precious memory!

Email -- share your story so others may come to know how your life changed when you finally came to accept your SELF.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

THANKSGIVING and other holidays remembered because of Mom's good dishes...

My girlfriend sent an interesting email I'd like to share with you.  Her Mom passed away some time ago...that's why this is special.

Two brothers came to visit this Thanksgiving weekend...both from out of town.  She said the neatest thing was that Thanksgiving dinner was served on Mom's good dishes.

My girlfriend shared that the oldest brother had not seen these dishes since 1974 and the second oldest brother only saw Mom's good dishes every Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving.

Just imagine the wonderful memories because of Mom's good dishes!
Our hearts remember the simplest joys!

by Bonnie Woodard

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It is with deep sadness in my heart...

Today I learned that a good friend of mine died a few days ago.  We met at the FCJ Centre in their T.E.A.M. Program, 2003.  Very quickly we became good friends! 

After the three year program ended, our visits became less and less as her life was pulled one way and mine another.  Her birthday was just a month ago and as I thought of her I was tempted to phone and wish, "Happy Birthday!" but I thought...oh, its been so long between phone calls, she has her family---I was embarrassed to phone.  My intuition nudged me to call her and my mind rationalized its way out of 'IT.'  So, you understand how I now feel--deep sadness that I didn't make the call...leave a message...

My friend Mary knows how I feel...she's been there too, thank God.  She eased my sorrow by saying, "Bon, when you were close friends, you were good friends--remember that!"  I will with all my heart.  This is another life-lesson: listen to that quiet voice within, it speaks the truth! 

Goodbye Francis, I love you.

Bonnie Woodard
When we wake up in the morning
     and turn our soul toward You,
You are there first.

Soren Kierkegaard
(1813-1855) Danish Philosopher & Theologian

I just love this image of God. It delights my soul and makes me smile.
with love,
Bonnie Woodard

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Meditative INNER talk, MIND-FULL-NESS:
This is my SELF-talk today. My SELF-talk will change each day as my INNER-strength TRANSFORMS ME. This POSITIVE SELF-talk is not static, it is evolving...a work-in-progress, just like YOU...just like ME!!  Try this every chance you get throughout your day...on the treadmill, on transit, in the shower...

POSITIVE SELF-talk transforms you into the person YOU are meant to BE!
POSITIVE SELF-talk is God telling YOU how wonder-FULL YOU are to HIM!

...start your own POSITIVE SELF-talk and be amazed!

God lives within me...
   God is my Soul
   God is Good-ness
   God is Love

When I am mind-full
   God fills my mind
   My thoughts are pure
   My thoughts are love-filled

God lives within me...
   God's home
   God's temple
   God's love for me is limitless

I share His Love with the world
   I am spirit
   I am loving
   I am beautiful

Because we are all One with God
   I am ALL of God's Good-ness
   I am a child of God
   I am powerful
   My thoughts are life-giving
   My thoughts are pure

SEE with God's Vision
   I see value in everyone
   We are all One
   We are Love
   I am free...  God lives within me!

by Bonnie Woodard (POSITIVE SELF-talk is LISTENING TO GOD talk to you!)

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization (AS YOU CHANGE, THE WORLD CHANGES)
Email:  P: 209-2988 (403)

Email -- share your story so others may come to know how your life changed when you finally came to accept your SELF.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Alice, my friend...

This evening's visit was both intimate and heart-warming! Intimate because Alice shared her fears and heart-warming because of her trust in our friendship.

I've been visiting Alice in the nursing home for approximately six months. Alice's life suddenly changed due to illness and was told she'd never be able to live on her own again.  This news shook her very soul.

Tonight Alice asked, "how long will I have to be here--it could be twenty years! how will I cope? why am I here?

Alice knows we don't have answers. But she talks and I listen... and will continue to listen over and over for as long as she needs to voice her thoughts...this is the joy of our friendship and the essence of a pastoral visit!

by Bonnie Woodard

Diocesan Pastoral Care Course
Information 218-5501 (403) Calgary AB

Email -- share your story so others may come to know how your life changed when you finally came to accept your SELF.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What would my life look like ...

If I truly lived it...
If I loved with abandon...
If I loved myself...
If I valued myself...
If I forgave myself...
If I let go of controlling...
If I always did my absolute best--with no regrets...
If I took out all the stops and became the person that is me!
  • How would I feel? 
  • What would it look like?
  • Will I try?
Your new beginning is just a thought away!!

by Bonnie Woodard (from a conversation with a fabulous girlfriend)

Email -- share your story so others may come to know how your life changed when you finally came to accept your SELF.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Golden Rule is the most universal guide human beings have for their ethical journey; it is found in one form or another in all the major cultures and religions. Here is a sampling...

Judaism--"What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow man." (Talmud, Shabbat 31a)

Christianity--"In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets." (Matthew 7:12)

Buddhism--"Seek for others the happiness you desire for yourself...Hurt not others with that which pains you." (Udana-varga 5,1)

Aboriginal--"You must always remember that the two-leggeds and all the other peoples who stand upon this earth are sacred and should be treated as such." (White Buffalo Calf Woman)

Sikhism--"I am a stranger to no one; and no one is a stranger to me. Indeed, I am a friend to all." (Guru Granth Sahib, page 1299)

Hinduism--"This is the sum of duty; do naught unto others what you would have them do unto you." (Mahabharata 5:1517)

Taoism--"Regard your neighbour's gain as your own gain and your neighbour's loss as your own loss." (Lao Tzu, Tai Shang Kan Ying P'ien, 213-218)

Beatitudes for the Workplace by Max Oliva SJ
2009 Novalis Publishing Inc. -- share your story so others may come to know how your life changed when you finally came to accept your SELF.

Monday, October 4, 2010

When God Calls

If God calls me,
would there be a message left
on my answering machine?

If God dials my cell
would I be in traffic
and let the call go to voice mail?

Would God send me an email
or maybe a fax?

Does a letter come
with a stamp in the corner?

I wonder.

But I really wonder--
Will I recognize the voice...

ENCIRCLED by Buffy Ainsworth (1952-2006)
Buffy & Bob and their three children Heather, Jill & Stephen--our very dear friends!
Diagnosed with Thymoma January 1998, Buffy passed away peacefully in the arms of her husband, December 2006.  Email to order Encircled, click on

Email -- share your story so others may come to know how your life changed when you finally came to accept your SELF.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

In today's meditation class we were reminded to be mindful of our thoughts.

As we sit in meditation, remind the SELF...
  • I am a peaceful Soul residing in my body...
  • I am a jewel and I have special qualities that no other Soul has...
  • I am here for a unique purpose that only I, the Soul, can fulfill.

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization
Email:  P: 209-2988 (403)

Email -- share your story so others may come to know how your life changed when you finally came to accept your SELF.
Thought for the Day...When we re-connect with the oldest memory of the soul, the state of peace, we can then re-establish peace in our inner world. This is the start of peace in the wider world.

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization
Email  P: 209-2988 (403)

Email -- share your story so others may come to know how your life changed when you finally came to accept your SELF.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

ANGER is a self-created disturbance of your inner peace!

If you drop the mental attempt to control others and situations, and accept people and the world exactly as you find them at every moment, you will never see the red mist of anger again.

Don't Get MAD Get Wise by Mike George
Questions/comments for Mike at

Email -- share your story so others may come to know of how your life changed when you finally came to accept your SELF.

Friday, October 1, 2010

"The key to a good life is this: If you're not going to talk about something during the last hour of your life, then don't make it a top priority during your lifetime.

"What is going to make us happy and content is that "critical inch," the stuff we will talk about in that final hour of our lifeWe need to make choices in our lives right now based on what's truly important.

"So, who would you speak to if you had only an hour to liveWhat would you talk about in that final hourMost importantly, why are you waiting?"

An Hour to Live, an Hour to Love by Richard Carlson and Kristine Carlson

Email -- share your story so others may come to know of how your life changed when you finally came to accept your SELF.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Marianne Williamson, in Everyday Grace, shared..."Feeling in various ways unreceived in my childhood, I desperately sought to be received by others in my later years. But I didn't know how to genuinely accept others into my life, because the pattern had not been modeled for me. It took a lot more than rational analysis to interrupt that pattern. It could not be broken by finding another person who would finally, ultimately, accept me fully. That could not and would not happen until first I repaired my own underlying wound by learning to accept myself..." (pg 237)

Marianne's revelation awakened 'something' within which helped me understand a piece of my Self.  Being so excited, I had to share Marianne's writing with a friend, hoping she would have an AHA-moment to spark her inner light too. And it did!!

She emailed, "I kept searching for someone to want me. I constantly had to have someone--it didn't matter who, want me."  I repaired my own underlying wound by learning to accept myself. "This is EXACTLY what I am focusing on. Now, I'm wanting me. I want to be happy with me--from my curly hair to my love of sweets."

Thank you, my friend, for sharing your life changing moment! One baby-step-at-a-time, we blossom into who we are meant to BE !!

by Bonnie Woodard

Email so others may come to know of how your life changed when you finally came to accept yourself.

Everyday Grace by Marianne Williamson

"When you change the world changes!" (Brahma Kumaris)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"In my everyday life, I rush about doing a million things, almost all of which I enjoy.  It is important for me to stop several times a day and open up to silence where God can reach up to the Divine residing in me."

by Sylvia (good friend)

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Change has come!
I am finally
ready to
let go of
the me
I was pretending
to be.

I've laid
down my

Let go...
Let go...
Let go...
I show up
for Life!


by Bonnie Woodard

We are anxious to hear about anything that concerns YOU.
Please use blog 'comments' or click to send an email.

Monday, September 27, 2010

I surrendered today!
all day--
every moment--
I remain in surrender
to the Divine
within me.

I show up to life
free to let go
and embrace the
Love and Peace
of God.

Change has come--
my world will
never be the same.

I embrace God's
Love within me
and I share
His Love with
the world. 


by Bonnie Woodard

We are anxious to hear about anything that concerns YOU.
Please use blog 'comments' or click to send an email.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stress-Free Living...

The root cause of ALL STRESS!!! is our thoughts. 80% of our thoughts are negative and wasteful!!

  • Negative thought...steals energy--critical, angry, fearful, egotistical.
  • Wasteful thought...worry about what has or might have been; things we can't control.
  • Necessary thought...appointments, etc. that need to be kept.
  • Positive thought...pure and elevated--hightest level of thought!

Stress-Free Living classes at...
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization
Email:  P: 209-2988 (403)

Friday, September 24, 2010

My girlfriend's husband, her soulmate, passed away this summer...we never let a visit go by that we don't remember him in a loving way!

Recently, McInnis & Holloway Funeral Homes hosted A Living Tribute at their Memorial Forest, Tree Program.  It was a cold, rainy day and all that could be seen spreading out before you was a sea of brightly coloured umbrellas.  These represented all the families missing a loved one. 

Reflecting on this for a couple of weeks now, my friend realized that this was not "closure" for her, yet.  But she decided that she could choose the type of tree that will be her husband in this living forest...a Fir tree, because a Fir tree is always green, alive...all four seasons!

She, like another friend of mine, can only turn one-page-at-a-time...grief is a slow and loving process.

by Bonnie Woodard

McInnis & Holloway Funeral Homes 
Information: 276.2296 (403)

We are anxious to hear about anything that concerns YOU.
Please use blog 'comments' or click to send an email.

Believe and All Will Be Well

Li'l Miss and her neighbour couldn't help wondering at times if their good fortune would continue.  But as quickly as their minds wandered down this slippery path of self-doubt, they were brought back to their senses by Grandma's repeated exhortation: "Believe and all will be well." Chapter Sixteen

excerpt from Li'l Miss Red Mittens and The Ice Cream Garden
by Garry D. Kilbourn

To order your copy click on

Alice, my friend...

The child within never leaves us!

Alice's eyes can no longer see to read so during last week's visit at the nursing home, I started reading to her from a book called, "Li'l Miss Red Mittens and The Ice Cream Garden." We were just starting Chapter 4 when it was time for me to go. I promised to bring Li'l MIss to our next visit.

This week I was pleasantly surprised to see Alice tapping her fingers together with anticipation...just waiting to hear more of the story about a little girl's journey of innocent faith.  We read all the way to Chapter 14 before it was time to go!

We'll finish this delightful tale next week--I wonder what we'll start next!!

by Bonnie Woodard

Diocesan Pastoral Care Course
Information:  218.5501 (403) Calgary AB

We are anxious to hear about anything that concerns YOU.
Please use blog 'comments' or click to send an email.

Labour of Love...

Creating the Brandi Costar Memorial Award: One dollar at a time

When her daughter Brandi died suddenly at the age of 29, one of Linda Costar's first thoughts was, "I don't want anyone to forget her."

Although she didn't know it at the time, that sentiment would fuel a fundraising effort spanning almost three years and over $10,000.  Her fundraising efforts began with a garage sale of her daughter's belongings.  Literally dollar by dollar, Linda Costar inched toward her $10,000 dream. Two and a half years after Brandi's death, she made it.

The first Brandi Costar Memorial Award was presented in early 2010 "If there are families that think this is impossible, I want them to know that if I can do it, anyone can do it," says Linda.

excerpt from SAIT Polytechnic Promising Futures

We are anxious to hear about anything that concerns YOU.
Please use blog 'comments' or click to send an email.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dear God,

When I rest
may I rest in You.
I surrender my spirit
that it might be renewed.
At last, I am ready
to change.


The Age of Miracles by Marianne Williamson  founder of The Peace Alliance

We are anxious to hear about anything that concerns YOU.
Please use blog 'comments' or click to send an email.
WHILE THE PERSON WHO DOES NOT UNDERSTAND HOW the soul contains the beautiful within itself will seek by laborious effort to realize beauty without, the wise man recognizes it within himself, develops the idea by withdrawal into himself, concentrating his attention, and so floating upward toward the divine fountain, THE STREAM OF WHICH FLOWS WITHIN HIM.  pg 323

H.P. Blavatsky
Isis Unveiled Vol I & II

We are anxious to hear about anything that concerns YOU.
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Monday, September 20, 2010

SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS (are) not problems of will, they (are) problems of mind. pg xi

The Moral Obligation To Be Intelligent
Selected Essays by Lionel Trilling

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HIPPOCRATES centuries ago:

"ALL KNOWLEDGEALL ARTS are to be found in nature," he says  "if we question her properly she will reveal to us the truths which pertain to each of these and to ourselves.

WHAT is nature in operation but the very divinity itself manifesting its presence

HOW are we to interrogate her; and how is she to answer us? 

We must proceed with FAITH, with the firm assurance of discovering at last the whole of the truth; and nature will let us know her answer, through our inner sense, which with the help of our knowledge of a certain art or science, reveals to us the truth so clearly that further doubt becomes impossible." pg 280

H.P. Blavatsky
Isis Unveiled Vol I & II

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thought for reflection...

"Happiness is not a dependency, it is a decision.
 Happiness is not a destinatiion, it is the journey.
 Happiness is not an achievement, it is the way to achieve.
 Happiness never waits, it is now or it is never.
 Delay no longerBe happy now.

The world is waiting for the serenity of your smile, the contentment of your heart, and the echoes of your laughter."

The 7AHA!s of Highly Enlightened Souls by Mike George

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thought for reflection...

"We take spiritual responsibility for our day when we pray that it be blessed.

There are many different prayer and meditation techniques, and they are all paths to God It matters not which path we walk to Him, but only that we walk it. In whatever way suits you, talk to God."

Everyday Grace by Marianne Williamson founder of The Peace Alliance

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WHEN ONE FALLS INTO A LOVE OF SELF AND LOVE OF THE WORLD, with its pleasures, losing the divine love of God and of the neighbor, he falls from life to death...Physically he exists, spiritually he is dead."

H.P. Blavatsky
Isis Unveiled Vol I & II

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CONSCIENCE is that instantaneous perception between right and wrong, which can only be exercised by the SPIRIT, which, being a portion of the DIVINE WISDOM and PURITY, is ABSOLUTELY PURE and WISE.

H.P. Blavatsky
Isis Unveiled Vol I & II

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If you've wondered what an impression you make as a volunteer, here is a poem written by my friend who is 88 years old and a resident in a nursing home...she is an inspiration to many!


The day you came into my life,
when I was sad and full of strife,
you brought great happiness to me
that's plain for everyone to see.

And I think when you were born
that Gabriel must have blown his horn
and declared for everyone to hear
that from the moment of your birth
you'd be an angel here on earth.

And here you are so good and true
always there when I'm needing you.
Your very kind and thoughtful ways
fill my heart with song and praise.

Your generosity knows no bounds.
And I love to hear the welcome sounds
of your knock upon my door
for the time we spend together
is worth a rich man's treasure
and you seem to find your way
no matter what the weather.

So you really are my guardian angel
sent from heaven to earth.
And I'm hoping God will let you stay awhile
so as the years go by,
with your lovely winning smile,
you can bring your love and friendship
to others mortals such as I.

With permission
by Celia Chambers